Sichuan province of China ranked seventh among provinces in the number of couples that divorces granted last year.
Sichuan province rose in rank to the first position of this year.
Why the dramatic change?
Some scholars attribute it to a powerful earthquake, disruption of life in 2008.Apparently inspired an attitude that "life is too short" stay stuck in a marriage infeliz.Otros experts attribute this to the revised legislation by simplifying the process of divorce.(Couples who want to divorce already are not required to produce "letters of introduction" their "work units" or "neighborhood committees") .and still other experts attribute to increase social mobility.Of course, probably a combination of all these boosted growth in divorce in that province.
All are universal and have influenced the United States divorce rates and elsewhere, to a degree or another, in one place or another, at one time or another.
Learn more in this article News [India]: earthquake blamed for increasing divorce in Southwest China.