It is all over the news today in England. It is the 18th Day of September 2006. The scandal has been exposed. Many of the so called orphans being offered up for adoption in Europe are children stolen from China, or sold by their own very parents.
Today, many people who have adopted a child from that part of the world will look at that child and wonder, was this child stolen or snatched from the cradle of their mums arms to be sold to me?
At times like this no words can ever be enough to answer such question. You look at this bundle of joy, this baby that has brought you so much Joy into your life and you wonder, what is his or her story.
I wanted to encourage you today to find rest in God's word. You have not done anything wrong. The people who are wrong are the ones who traffic in child abduction.
The people who are wrong are the parents in China who sell their children for money. God will not blame you for adopting a child.
What you have done is a great and noble deed. Infact orphans and children are so precious to God, that God calls himself the father of the orphan.
The bible puts it this way, A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Psalm 68:5.
This is what God says about adoption:
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world". James 1:27.
God says I am proud of you because you have done this noble deed. You cared enough to think about such little ones who have no one to love and care for them.
You reached out in love for one of these abandoned children. God is so proud of you.
I still have a word of advice for you. I know the doctors told you, you cannot have children of your own.
But I want to tell you something wounderful, God can still bless you with a child of your own if that is what you want.
The Bible says that, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Yes you can still have a child of your own. Luke 18:27.
I have seen God do it too many times for me not to tell you about it.
The bible says, Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! Isaiah 30:18.
Today, God longs to show you his mercy and turn things around for you.
Will you come to him and give him a chance to bless you and give you one more child. A brother or sister for the baby you already adopted.
Jesus is saying to you today, forget about all the negative doctors report you have received, yes "With man it may be impossible, but with God all things are possible." You can have a child from your own womb, if you choose to do it with God. Matthew 19: 26.
You may say to me, "Veronica, please do not raise my hope". I am not raising your hope. What I am sharing with you is what I have seen God DO AGAIN and AGAIN.
I have worked with many couple who were told will never be parents who today are happy parents of their own children.
No wonder the bible says this about God, "He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children". Praise the LORD. Psalm 113:9.
No matter how barren you are, God can turn it around for you. He can bless you with a baby from your own womb.
Do not be afraid to ask God to bless you with a child. He loves you and is waiting for you to ask him.
I guess no one ever told you God cared. Well I am telling you now. God cares about YOU.
If you will like to give God a chance today, say this prayer out now. Keep a copy and just pray this in faith for sometime and see what will happen.
Prayer OF Faith
I praise the Lord. I praise the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore.
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.
The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens.
Who is like the Lord my God, the one who sits enthroned on high-who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?
He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap. He seats them with princes, with the princes of their people.
He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord.
Father, you know how much I have suffered and how bad my medical report has been. By faith today, I declare myself a happy mother of children.
You said it Lord. Man may have said, it is impossible but with you I believe it is possible.
You said you will bless my womb, and settle me in my home as a happy mother of children. Do it Lord and take glory.
Give me a child Lord (Be specific Now and ask for a boy or girl or twins.) And you alone will take the glory.
I receive that blessing in Jesus name. Thank you for giving me children of my own, Lord. Amen.
Veronica Anusionwu has devoted a portion of her life to bringing spiritual solutions from the bible to help many people. She is the author of "Woman You Are Not Infertile" a book that has helped many women overcome infertility. Her book "Who Said You Are Too Old To Conceive" covers all area of (Childbirth for the older woman). Sign up for her free weekly newsletter by visiting