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2011年3月31日 星期四

Divorcing couples to mediation before the Court

Anthony Douglas: court cases often make poor status of couples divorcing, mediation will be treated to classify the majority of disputes before they are allowed to use the courts, the Government announced.

Jonathan Djanogly the Justice Minister said mediation was "faster, cheaper, more alternative" courts over-worked.

Means for England and Wales, focused on financial, custody disputes come to power on 6 April.

Cases of domestic violence and child protection is still with the Court.

Mr. Djanogly said: "almost every time I ask someone if their divorce battle through the courts, was worth it, the answer is ' no '.

"Mediation is already legally aided helps thousands of people throughout England and Wales every year, but I am concerned about these financing their own court actions are you miss out on the benefits that can result.

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our suggestions to reform the system and encourage people to take advantage of the best sources of help, advice, or tracks the resolution did not involve the expense of lawyers or courts functioning "
end quote from Jonathan Djanogly Minister ???????"????? everyone will have the opportunity to see if it can be a better solution than Go straight to court. "

The Minister said the statistics plan day of BBC Radio 4 suggested that more than two-thirds of couples joining the mediation results were "satisfied."

"It gives people an opportunity to take their future in their own hands."

Under the change, anyone who would like to use the courts would have to go through a mandatory mediation evaluation, which could cost the first couples to £ 140.

If mediation is not be ??????, for example, one side refuses to take part in it, the case could go to court.

However, the Government's proposal to cut aid for legal separation, this means that if you do not have their caches after evaluation, they would have the obligation to pay for legal advice, representation in courts.

Some lawyers claimed that a total denial of access to the High Court of justice.

And acts of court, which represents solicitors in England and Wales, he asked whether mediation is always appropriate way to decide arguments.

President Linda Lee said: "as for granted all the lawyer for an agreed goals through negotiations because going to court is pressed. It is not always possible, in some cases, the Court is the only appropriate way of resolving the problems.

"The Government is to create the myth of the bridge is ?????? in order to justify the cuts to legal aid, which will lead to areas such as this, where people desperately need advice out of range."

Justice Ministry spokesman said that the courts should be involved in the change parental contact days or other small disputes.

The Ministry said there were 137,000 divorce issues in 2009, up to 16%.

Cost per client of £ 544, compared to mediation £ 2,591 for court costs, the National Audit Office is also bridging was faster-110 days, compared to 435 days in court.

The passage does not refer to Scotland or Northern Ireland.

"Tremendous strain"

However, a spokeswoman for the Scottish Government in Scotland said: "We encourage the use of mediation in cases of family when it fits and safe to do so.

"There is a general provision for the sheriff courts in Scotland to any matter related to the responsibility of the parents and an intermediary."

Last year, David Norgrove, who chairs a review into the matter, said Whitehall "tremendous effort" in which "really unendurable" for children of divorced parents.

Clark Kent Secretary of Justice recently announced plans to scrap civil legal assistance to a variety of cases.

Mr. Djanogly pointed out that the criminal law in England, Wales-£ 2bn a year was higher than in most other countries.

He said: "our proposals to fundamentally reform the system and encourage people to take advantage of the best sources of help, advice, or tracks the resolution did not involve the expense of lawyers or the courts."

View the original article here

