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2011年6月18日 星期六

Child Safety and Protection

The following facts are alarming but "A child's first teacher is their parent" and the following strategies and tips are very important to protect our children and keep them safe!

FACT: 1 in 4 children are molested before age 18, and 90% are known by the family or are family members.

FBI STATISTIC: 44% of abducted children are dead in one hour. 75% are dead in 3 hours.

FACT: ID cards, fingerprints, DNA kits, the Amber Alert, and tracking devices do nothing what-so-ever to prevent children from becoming missing.

FACT: Child safety and protection education goes beyond "Stranger Danger" and ID bracelets used in most education programs and schools. It is a personal and family matter.

FACT: Responsible parents who try hard to raise well-behaved children can actually set them up for exploitation. Their value system of good kids can make them ideal victims.

FACT: A child's first teacher is their parent.

I remember reading that last fact above when my daughter was born and taking that to heart. Teaching her the basics was easy and fun. She grew to a toddler, than to a preschooler very quickly and I soon realized the outside world was having more of an influence on her as I enrolled her in preschool, hired babysitters and took her to Sunday School.

I remember hearing news reports about child abductions and child abuse but thought it could never happen to my daughter. After all I was extra careful about who she was with and I was with her the rest of the time to keep her safe and protected. I didn't know I was leaving out the most important part of her education by not teaching her how to protect herself from harm when I wasn't with her and the reality of how a child predator lures parents and children into trusting them every day.

I have since become aware of how clever child molesters and predators are. All age groups are targeted by child predators. Can you think of any job more important than protecting and saving our children? I guess not, because you care enough to read this article.

Respect your elders. If an adult tells you to do something, do it! One youngster said his molester constantly reminded him, "I'm the grown-up and you're the kid. You better do what I say." According to a 7 year old, who was molested by a family member, she thought because her molester was an adult, he could not have been wrong. Later she decided, "I must have been very bad and this was my punishment." It is essential that parents teach their children to respect and obey authority, but do your children know about the misuse of authority?

Have you discussed with your child righteous indignation? Your child should know that if an adult (teacher, relative, coach) suggests something wrong-by touching them sexually or showing them pornographic pictures-they have your permission to say emphatically "No!" and it is okay to scream or run away if the adult persists. Don't assume they will know that to do in this kind of situation. Tell them. Role playing works very well with young children to help them understand what you are talking about or you can use puppets.

Don't be a tattletale. This is a value used by molesters. A molesting adult will often use physical or psychological threats to increase a child's reluctance to tell. Could your child be victimized because of a good kid's code of honor? "I promised I wouldn't tell!" A parent needs to sit their child down and say, "if anybody ever touches you and makes you uncomfortable -tell me. I don't care who it is-Daddy, Uncle, Grandpa, a neighbor, you tell me. We will make sure it doesn't happen again." It's a tough thing for any parent to say, but it has to be said. Should a child start to object to every good-bye kiss from a relative, find out why and remember a child has a right to say no to a kiss.

For more important information for safeguarding your child from sexual predators go to Annie Samuels' Child Safety Tips blog at and let me know what you think.

2011年6月17日 星期五

Pedag 192 Bambini APMA Accepted 3/4 Children's Orthotic, Tan Leather

BAMBINI: Made of prime quality, vegetable tanned leather, Bambini is the children's orthotic developed by orthopedic experts. Foot supports have proved to be extremely useful when it comes to the development of children's feet. Bambini's longitudinal arch support keeps the foot in the correct, naturally balanced position. Bambini actively protects the ankle joint. Bambini counteracts deflection and deformation of the longitudinal arch which helps prevent the development of i??splayfoot". Bambini is particularly resilient and flexible, allowing the free play of the foot's muscles thus strengthening them. Bambini has been awarded the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) Seal of Acceptance. Tan leather. Pedag merges 3 elements: Nature, Science and Technology to produce products that are good for the modern foot. Nature is found in Pedag's use of high quality natural materials such as vegetable tanned leather, pure cotton, wool, sisal, water based adhesives and active carbon and silver ions for odor control. Science is found in Pedag's use of supportive, anatomically correct footbeds and inserts that support the arches, muscles and ligaments of the foot. Supporting the foot adequately provides a base from which to support the ankles, hips and spine. Pedag orthotics stress Support rather than simple Cushioning. Pedag insoles (orthotic or plain) allow the foot to breathe inside the shoe, keeping feet and shoes fresh. Did you know the foot produces a shot glass of perspiration daily. Insoles that absorb moisture, breathe and prevent odor are necessary for healthy feet. Technology is found in Pedag's modern manufacturing facilities in Germany (even though much of the production of our insoles is still done by hand), stringent quality controls and introduction of cutting edge technologies such as nano ions of silver for permanent odor prevention in several of our insoles and an innovative new material to insulate against cold.


Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年6月16日 星期四

Child Safety in Neighborhood

What could be worse than being unsafe in your own neighborhood? Will moving to another place end your worries? Will your child be less vulnerable if you build your home somewhere else?

Fear is an option. And running away from danger does not really make it go away. It won't be healthy for your child to grow up and see you constantly fleeing at the first sight of danger. Of course, it does not mean that you ignore it and meet it head on. But it would benefit your child more if you teach him to conquer his fears and look out for himself.

Your neighborhood wasn't handpicked to be the most unsafe place in the world. Basically, all places have bad guys. Just as every basket has its share of bad apples. But it would be unfair to paint an ugly picture of the world to your child. Child safety in neighborhood does not include making your child live in fear that the bad guys are lurking in every corner. Instead, let them see their potentials in warding off any harm that may come their way.

Child safety in neighborhood can be effective if parents teach their children to open up and talk freely about their activities. You should be able to motivate them to share anything that they want to tell you. Most abduction or child exploitation cases happen because of the absence of parent and child communication. Children involved were found out to have kept their fears and confusions from their parents, making them more vulnerable to these "attacks".

Parents should make it a point to be aware of their children's activities. Child safety in neighborhood includes knowing their friends and their friends' families as well. If you value independence, make sure there are limits to it. Do not allow your child to play all by himself on the front yard or any place far from your sight. Make sure that he is in the company of his friends or with an adult when waiting for the bus or walking on the streets. Child safety in neighborhood means teaching him the emergency phone numbers in case he sense trouble. Most people use the slogan "stranger danger" to their children. However, don't let them get away with the idea that all strangers have bad intentions because most abduction and exploitation cases were done by people that the kids are familiar with.

There isn't really a 100% safe place for our children. No matter how we child-proof our homes or secure them from any threats in the neighborhood, some things may happen that wouldn't be much to our liking. You can't change how the bad guys think, but you can help your child avoid being an easy target.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Child Safety information site. For more articles and resources on Child Safety related topics, visit his site at:


Keeping Children Safe From Abductions

Did you know that nearly 7 out of 10 children will get lost for some amount of time at least once in their lives? It is estimated that at least 2,000 kids get lost every day in the United States alone. Though the vast majority are found unharmed very quickly, we've all seen the worst-case scenario in the news. What can you do to prevent this possibility?

Every parent knows the fear of losing their child in a public place, like the mall or a park. In an instant, even well-behaved children have the natural curiosity that causes them to wander off when they see something interesting. In most cases, children don't even realize the effect this has on the parent. Though it is usually innocent distractions that cause a child to be lured away momentarily, if you've seen the news, you know that this is not always the case. A lost child can get scared, hurt, or even abducted, even if you only turn your back for a second to take a phone call, place an order, or speak with a friend passing by.

From a young age, instill in your child the rules for what to do if you are accidentally separated from them. Some strangers can actually be helpful, and the old adage not to talk to strangers may not be the best advice in some situations. For example, teach them how to spot a police officer or a store employee, as both can help reunite the child with you. Even young children can be taught phone numbers and home addresses; this simple step can go a long way. Don't forget to teach them 9-1-1 while you're at it. Never take your child to crowded places without their name and address attached somewhere on them.

There are many devices that can help you protect your children from these situations. For example, one type of alarm will sound when your child has wandered more than a preset distance away from you. Another inexpensive device is a personal alarm. This method is perfect for slightly older children, who can just press the alarm button if they are in need of assistance, and a loud alarm will sound. Too many children try to behave politely even when being abducted, when it is crucial that they yell, scream, and make as much noise as possible. A personal alarm can help them get the attention of nearby adults.

No matter the situation, never assume that your child is safe. The majority of abducted children are taken by family members or those who are familiar to them. Most abductions by strangers take place on quiet roads or sidewalks, though of course the possibility also exists in crowded areas. Children who are walking home alone or playing outside without supervision are particularly at risk. Parents can be lulled into a false sense of security in situation where they believe their children are safe, but the truth is, you must be prepared for all of the possibilities, all of the time. Teach your children that they may not be able to trust a neighbor, bus driver, or anyone else they don't know well, even if they see them on a daily basis.

At Resist Attack we feel that children are our most important treasures why not check out our Child Safety section you'll be glad you did!

2011年6月15日 星期三

Israeli Civilian Gas Mask w/ Nato Filter

Israeli Civilian Gas Mask w/ Nato FilterThis is the gas mask issued to Israeli civilians when threatened with chemical attack by Saddam's Iraq. It has full NBC (neuclear, biological, chemical) protection, and comes with one sealed filter. Mask is new, unissued cond. and has hydration port (comes with drinking straw but not canteen cap) Also good to have around for protection against smoke, paint spray, grinding dust, etc. These are the same masks that some were selling for $200-300 after 9/11. Note; U.S. sales only, no export. Please note that since we have no means of testing, or data from Israeli manufacturer, we cannot guaranty degree of protection, against all possible sources of contamination, or how long filter will last under various conditions (denser contamination means less time). we can only guaranty that mask and filter are in new cond.


Click here to buy from Amazon

How Can You Benefit From Owning A Child GPS Tracker?

Every parent dreads the moment their child faces an emergency. Whether it is at school or at home, you want to provide safety for your child at all times. A child gps tracker has become a necessary device in the world we live in today.

Kidnappings, missing persons, the statistics don't show good reading. Over 80% of missing persons are juvenile (under the age of 18) in the US alone. When your child goes to school, you want to know they are safe. That's where a real time child gps tracker comes into play.

Buying a gps tracking device that provides real time, live data is essential. You want to know instantly if your child is in trouble or faces any other kind of emergency.

A device currently popular on the market is the amber alert gps child tracker. The name amber alert is a warning system issued in the US and in certain other countries when a child goes missing. The alert system came about after Amber Hagerman, a 9 year old was abducted and murdered in Texas in 1996.

The amber alert child gps tracker has useful features specifically designed to track and monitor a child's location. The following is a summary of the features you will find in this gps tracker.

You have a 24 hour battery life which is good for 2 school days before recharge
There is something called safety zone alerts that lets you know when your child is out of a predefined zone, i.e. somewhere they shouldn't be
A panic button is located on the device. Once pushed an emergency notification is instantly sent to you either on your computer or phone. This feature is priceless, you know immediately if your child is in any danger. Law enforcement will always tell you, time is critical in any child abduction case.
You can also use the device to track your teenager, especially whilst they are driving. The amber alert child gps tracker lets you know the speed the device is travelling at.
For smaller children the tracker also provides temperature information, so you know whether your child is comfortable in the temperature they are in. This is useful when your child is sitting in cars on warm days.
The tracking device can be connected directly to a mobile cellphone. You can view the gps tracking data directly on the phone.

As with any gadget you buy, there is a cost involved. With this particular gps tracker you will be required to pay activation fees. But considering the amount of benefits of owning a child gps tracker, I certainly think the price is worth the investment.

Are you worried about your child's safety? Are you stuck in the office and constantly worried if your child is safe when travelling to and from school?
Do you want to know where your child is hanging out with friends? Is it time you considered a GPS tracker?

The amber alert child gps tracker gives all the peace of mind you need.

For a comprehensive review of GPS tracking devices, be sure to visit

2011年6月14日 星期二

Using an Email Trace For Parental Abduction Cases

Each year 354000 families find themselves caught in the nightmare of parental abductions.

A parental abduction is defined as "the taking, retention, or concealment of a child or children by a parent, other family member, or their agent, in derogation of the custody rights, including visitation rights, of another parent or family member"

If your child is the victim of a parental abduction you need to act quickly. You need to make contact with the police and establish a rapport with the detectives assigned to your case.

You need to inform your lawyer or if you do not yet have a lawyer, retain one that has experience in parental abduction cases.

You should also hire a private investigator that has dealt with parental abductions. An investigator that has experience in locating missing person, runaway children and ball jumpers should also have handled many parental abduction cases. Be sure the investigator is an expert in modern technology and state of the art Internet investigations.

Today PI's have many resources that can quickly resolve a parental abduction case. They can trace emails and use email tracing technology pinpoint the exact location an email is opened and read. So for instance if they were to send a pretext email to the abductor and the email was opened at a certain address at a certain time the PI could immediately notify the police in that jurisdiction to sweep in and recover the child.

The same goes with cell phone forensics, triangulation,pinging and other telephone investigations. A PI will have contacts and connections that can assist him in locating the user of a cell phone.

Equally important is being aware of Internet investigations. Such as being able to locate a person's secret email accounts, or find secret personal ads and social networking sites like Myspace, Friendster and Facebook.

All of this information will assist an investigator in quickly resolving a parental abduction case. If you do decide to retain an investigator make sure they have successfully resolved parental abduction cases in the past. Make sure they are recognized as an expert in the techniques like email tracing, personal ad investigation and cell phone forensics we described above.

Before hiring the investigator do a quick Google search on their name to see if they are recognized as an authority in non custodial parental abductions. Se if they have any experience in locating people with email tracing, cell phone forensics and Internet investigations.

The author has over 10 years experience in tracking down and identifying cyber criminals. He has expanded and developed these internet tracing skills into the areas of parental abduction cares and locating runaway kids or dangerous bail jumpers with only an email address or screen name.

How to Prevent Your Child From Being Abducted

Nineteen years ago 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling was abducted from his quiet St. Joseph Minnesota neighborhood, by a masked gunman. Jacob has not been found.

Here's what we learned from the Jacob Wetterling case. Mrs. Wetterling, Jacob's mother, is the first to admit that Jacob was never taught what to do when confronted by a gunman. Had he broke and run right away, it is very likely he would still be with us today. Teach your children that if they are ever confronted by someone with a gun to "run and yell," two things that children do well.

We learned a valuable lesson from the Jeanna North case in Fargo, North Dakota. 11-year-old Jeanna was last seen by her friend, in front of her own house. The person convicted of her murder, Kyle Bell, knew Jeanna, and lived across the street.

What we learned from this case is that it isn't only a "stranger" who can pose a risk to your children. Teach your children never to go anywhere with anyone without asking permission first. This would include neighbors and friends.

Bad guys don't all look bad. If you ask a child to describe a "stranger", they'll describe a person who looks mean, scary or has bad teeth. You can't tell if a person is good or bad by the way they look, so children have to be careful around all people. Instead of trying to teach children what a stranger is, talk to them about "situations." Role play and ask "what would you do if..."
Adults shouldn't ask children for help. Adults should ask other adults for help. Children should be wary of adults asking them for help with things like finding a lost puppy, mailing a package, or finding an address.
Fake authority. Adults may pose as police officers, firemen or other authority figures. Not everyone who has a badge is for real. Teach your children that if they are not sure if the person is who they say they are, to ask another adult. A real police officer won't mind.
Fake emergency. "Quick, get in the car! You're dad's been in a bad accident and your mom sent me to pick you up!" Teach your children that you would never send someone they don't know to pick them up.
Gifts and favors. We've all heard "don't take candy from strangers." But what about pony rides, motorcycle rides or Nintendo games? Teach your children never to take anything from anyone without asking permission first.
Don't keep secrets. Teach children never to keep secrets. They should be made to feel that they can tell you anything, no matter how uncomfortable it makes them feel.
Use the buddy system. Young children should always be with an adult. Don't leave them alone in the car, even for a minute. Older children should go places with a friend. Never let a child go to a public restroom alone.
Know how to get help. Teach your children how to use 9-1-1, and that you don't need a coin to dial 9-1-1 from a pay phone. If they are lost in a store, train them to stay in the store and ask a clerk for help.
If all else fails. If a child is grabbed, she should yell "help, this isn't my dad" and make a scene. Kick, scream, bite, whatever the child has to do to get away.
Parents can't be with children and protect them everywhere. That's why education is so important. Teach them to be careful, not afraid.

Sgt. Mark Buschena is a veteran police officer with 29 years experience. He is the author of "The Naked Truth About Personal Protection!" How to protect your life, family and property. Simple ways to protect yourself from thieves, muggers, rapists, robbers, burglars, con-artists, pick-pockets and other scum-of-the-earth! Get your copy at

2011年6月13日 星期一

Insect Lore Live Butterfly Garden

Insect Lore Live Butterfly GardenWitness one of nature's most spectacular transformations up close with this reusable, collapsible habitat. Fine, transparent mesh lets you see butterfly metamorphosis up close. Product includes easy-to-use feeder and complete instructions for habitat. Butterfly larvae with food shipped directly to your home. The habitat collapses for storage when not in use. You can adopt and raise a handful of caterpillars, watch them transform into painted lady butterflies, then lift the garden cover to release your beautiful specimens into the wild. This exciting habitat makes a fabulous introduction to the miracles of nature. The larvae and food available round the year.

Price: $24.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年6月12日 星期日

Pampers Baby Dry Diapers (Packaging May Vary)

Pampers Baby Dry Diapers (Packaging May Vary)Pampers Baby Dry disposable diapers let you fit it and forget it! Features soft Koala Fit Grips that allow you to adjust and re-adjust until you get a secure fit that makes you and baby happy. Pampers Baby Dry have double-thick leg cuffs to help prevent leaks, while the Breathable cloth-like cover helps keep baby's skin dry. Features Sesame Street characters on top front of diapers.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Prevention Works! No Child Should Ever Be At Risk - Help Prevent Child Abductions and Stop Predators

Statistics indicate that child abductions and sexual predators have increased dramatically in numbers in the last several decades with the growth of technology and explosion of the internet.

Child abductions and sexual exploitation of minors and children have reached epidemic proportions. Modern-day child abductors and molesters are brutal, cold-blooded and murderous. More than any other type of criminals, sexual offenders and predators are more likely to re-offend.

One way, we can prevent this problem from occurring is by simply talking to our kids; in so doing we can prevent them from falling prey.

Prevention Works - Parents educate your children on safety and prevention tips.

1. Teach your children your home address and phone number.

2. How to dial Emergency number 9-1-1; including making a long distance phone call to you using the area code and by dialing "0".

3. Tell them that adults do not usually ask kids for directions. If someone should stop in a car asking for directions, the child should not go near the car.

4. Warn children not to fall for common lures such as: needing help finding a lost puppy. Some molesters tell children they are cute and want to take their picture, or that they have a toy or candy for them. When children hear these approaches from a stranger, they should run fast to a safe place.

5. If someone is following them, they need to run to a safe public location, such as a restaurant, school, grocery store, shopping center, etc. Tell an adult they're in danger and to call police and parents.

6. Tell children to walk on sidewalks, as far away from the curb as possible against the flow of traffic so they can see who's approaching. That will make it more difficult for them to be surprised by a driver and quickly snatched.

7. To walk with and play with others. The child is most vulnerable when alone. If your child walks to school, have him/her walk with other children.

8. Never to go near a car with someone in it; never to get into car without your permission. They should know in whose car they are allowed to ride. Warn your children that someone might try to lure them into a car by saying you said to pick them up. Tell them never to obey such instructions.

9. Tell your children that, "Strangers mean danger." That a stranger is someone they and you don't know very well.

10. To tell you if an adult asks them to keep a secret.

Abductions can happen anywhere, from a rural road to a crowded street. Protecting children from sexual predators or abductors is of utmost importance. Prevention starts with knowledge. Teach your children good safety techniques and consider giving them personal protection products. There are many products on the market that check on your child's well being; ranging from live tracking, voice monitoring, personal alarms, computer filtering software, GPS jewelry, accessories and other safety products.

The prevention of abductions or molestations is an extremely serious subject matter. Studies show victims suffer from depression, anxiety, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress, eating and sleeping disorders.

No Child Should Ever Be At Risk. Prevention works!

There are many more child abduction prevention and safety tips available at

2011年6月11日 星期六

Be Proactive for Good Child Protection

We don't go very long these days without hearing about a child being abducting. It's a very scary thought for parents but you can take steps now to establish good child protection.

One of the biggest areas of vulnerability is any time you are getting in and out of your vehicle, especially with small children. If you are holding a baby, your hands aren't available to ward off an attacker. Whenever possible, observe the area you are about to enter before leaving the building you are in. Practice getting your key in the car door lock and house door as quickly as possible without having to focus on the locks. Practice getting children into your car and your home as quickly as possible.

Look into your car before getting in or placing a child in. Bad guys have been known to enter cars and wait until an unsuspecting person gets in. Whenever practical, walk around the entire car and look before getting in. Some criminals have caused damage that does not disable a car immediately, but down the road, away from a busy area.

Effective child protection requires some discussion with kids about strangers. Develop code words for anyone you trust to pick up your children and teach your little ones the code. Tell them not to ride or go with anyone who doesn't know the code. Tell children to trust their instincts. If they think something's wrong with someone they meet, they should run away.

Warn children about common lures such as needing help finding a lost puppy, offers of candy or toys, and desires to take a picture. When children hear these approaches from a stranger, they should run fast to a safe place. Teach your children the safe places in your community they can escape to.

Teach your kids what to do if they get lost while shopping. They should go to the nearest security guard or cashier. They should not ask for help from a shopper they don't know or go into the parking lot to look for you.

Children can make a potential abductor panic and flee by screaming at the top of their lungs, "He's kidnapping me!" or "Fire!" which will quickly bring attention to the attempted abduction.

Avoid putting your children's names on their garments and possessions. When children hear their names called, they let their guard down, thinking it's someone they know.

Good child protection requires preparation. Predators are anywhere and everywhere.


Roy Allen's Your Protection First web site provides quality self defense items for men, women and children. His mission is to provide child protection [] products and information to ensure your child's safety.

2011年6月10日 星期五

Teach your children the value of giving by learning to knit

Harness your children's inbuilt desire to love and do good and their boundless energy, to benefit the abandoned children and Aids orphans of southern Africa. Your children will learn from, and be rewarded by, the privilege of giving.

Check it out!

2011年6月9日 星期四

Child Abductors - Basic Tips For Avoiding Or Escaping From Them

The experts say the first few seconds or minutes are critical for children being seized for assault or abduction. The best chance for safe escape is during those early moments. However, young children do not have the physical capacity to kick or hit back effectively. But they can scream instantly for help if their mouths are not gagged by one of the abductor's hands, in which case they must bite those hands hard, and then scream as loud as they can immediately.

Additionally, young children can and should always be cautious when away from their homes. They can and should be trained to be on a constant look out for any kind of potential danger, and to avoid the slightest possibility of their being abducted from happening, even if the probabilities for them are low. They can also be taught what to do if they should be abducted. Here are some of the things young children can do to avoid or escape from potential abductors.

1. Be extremely cautious and preventative.

Always be alert for potential danger from strangers, even while playing with friends.
Do not walk to school or to a local store alone.
Always have adult permission to go somewhere, and let them know where you are.
Do not go into public restrooms alone without someone watching out for you.
Never let strange adults ask you for help, or to ride with them.
Instead of saying NO nicely to a prying adult, turn away from him or her immediately, and run to a nearby house or store and tell someone what just happened.
Do not let strange adults enter your home or playhouse.
Do not let strange adults touch you.
Avoid suspicious looking vehicles (i.e., opened van door, car parked funny nearby).
Know the many lures of abductors and predators (see below)

by offering to help with a would-be family crisis or emergency
by offering help to find a pet or to fix something
by posing as a friend, relative, or authority figure
by bribing with toys, pets, or candy
by complimenting the young ego
by trying to start-up or join-in kid games
by asking for directions or help
by offering part-time work.

2. If snatched by a child abductor, fight back immediately.

Scream for help by yelling 911, fire, or you are not my mom or dad.
Bite the abductor's arm or hand hard to break their grip.
Kick hard, try to strike the abductor's knee or groin area.
Scratch or bite the abductor's face.
Throw your head back into abductor's head.
Use your fist or thumbs to grope at the abductor's eyes.
If the abductor releases you, find and wrap your arms and legs around a nearby tree or pole, or run to the nearest home, store, or person.

3. If abducted into a vehicle, be cool.

Tell the abductor you are in a child-protection program. The police have all of your vital information.
Send distress signals to other drivers or pedestrians.
Wave or make hand signals so others can see them.
Mouth the words 911 or help.
Make stressful facial expressions and eye contact.
Flag others with a handkerchief or stocking.
Make HELP or SOS letters on the side window with your finger.
Quietly text with a cell phone.
Trigger a personal alarm if you have one.
Leave a trail of clues if possible (e.g., with cell-phone signals, written notes, or items from a purse or billfold).
Calculate the risks for escaping from a moving vehicle, e.g., is it worth jumping from a slow moving vehicle, or to deliberately cause a wreck to escape from one? Maybe so?
Grab the ignition keys to turn off the engine. Throw them under the seat or out the window, and then brace yourself for a possible crash.

Your abductor will more-than-likely try save himself by avoiding a major wreck. If other people are around, he or she will panic and run away. And, more importantly, you will be alive. Otherwise, wait and stay alert for an opportunity to call for help or to escape, and then do it.

To read more about the common patterns of child abductions, and how to prevent and escape them, see the following sites.

1. KidSave Child Safety Tips - Preventing Child Abduction

2. Suite101?.com Self-Defense for Kids -- How to Scare Away a Child Predator by Jenny Evans

Child Abduction on Holiday - Come Home Madeline Mcann It's your Birthday

Child abduction - It has to be every mother's nightmare to see her child struck down by a life threatening disease where survival odds are stacked against them regardless of whatever medical treatment is administered or surgery performed. However, some people manage to find the strength to come to terms with their sad loss. Losing a child to illness is one thing but to lose a child through abduction is another, how does any parent, or why would any parent want to come to terms and accept that someone unknown to them and their child has taken your baby.

Child abduction is quite a common practice around the world - so therefore more need to keep a watchful eye over your children, whether it is on holiday abroad or at home. There will always be a motive behind why a kidnapping has taken place (child abduction). Regardless of whatever the reason, it is one of the lowest of the low of all crimes committed. How can a person carry out such a ruthless action knowing of the heartache and pain they cause for both child and the parents?

News headlines in the country of Portugal turn to prayer for little Madeline Mcann to come home, who today on 12th May would be four years old. All the facts here prove that you must never leave your children alone, no matter the distance you are apart or for how long you have been gone. This is a sad time for the grieving parents of the lost child abducted while she slept. It is unfair to be judgemental; however, many parents beg to differ and can not but help question the mother and father's actions on the night. What is that true saying "You have to have eyes in the back of your head to watch what a child gets up to" and in this case "a kidnapper too"? It is at a time like this that the people of the world need to turn detective to help find little Madeline.

If you see any sign that causes you reason for concern, contact the police. If you notice a new kid on the block - so as to speak report your sighting. Keep a lookout on those suspicious looking characters you are dubious of, e.g involved with dodgy dealings, whether this dodgy person has anything to do with child abduction or not. The next time you are out - keep focused, and if you see a child that resembles the photo fit picture of Madeline, once again report this to the police.

Child abduction is where a stranger comes along and takes what rightfully belongs to you. Kidnappers maybe involved with or run a paedophile ring. Kidnapped children are sometimes sold for a good price to wealthy couples who are desperate for a son or daughter of their own, but in a case of child abduction the child will never be their own.

Keeping your children safe while on holiday abroad or in the garden at home is a most profound priority now after the disappearance of Madeline. It is sad to say that it has taken another parent's loss pain and heartache to give us all the kick up the backside we need to prevent tragedy striking our own family.

Repeat over and over again all safety issues to protect your child. Tell your child about strangers (people they do not know) and how they are not to go off with them but instead run home if accosted. This must be explained tactfully so that the child does not fear every new face he/she sees in the street. Tell the child to ask for your permission before going off even with someone they know. More on child abduction can be found online.

Tell the child that a stranger might approach them and offer them sweets or try to make friends by talking about pet dogs and pussy cats etc. As much as we believe we are doing the right thing by labelling kiddies clothing, child abduction can take place because the abductor will use this information to try to gain your child`s trust. If you lose your child in a crowd - make sure that beforehand you have explained clearly what the child should do - like going to a police officer or another mummy they see with her own children etc. Make sure your child knows his or her full name, address and phone number. They also need to know what number to ring in an emergency. This will all depend on the age of your child and to how quick they learn. There is no time like the present to drum this information into your children. Live and learn from others mistakes.

Come Home Madeline the whole world wants to wish you Happy Birthday.

Children on Holiday Depression Puffy Eyes

2011年6月8日 星期三

Education and Talking to Your Children is the Best Way to Avoid Child Abduction

Child abduction is a serious issue in our society today. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), a child goes missing every 40 seconds in the U.S.  That's over 2,100 per day and in excess of 800,000 children are reported missing each year.  What's worse is that another estimated 500,000 go missing without ever being reported.

Why so many missing children? 

To understand why there are so many that go missing we need to understand the various forms of child abduction which include parental abductions, runaways, lost or injured children and abduction by strangers.

Parent abduction is the most common kind of abduction and occurs primarily when parents separate or begin divorce proceedings. In a study performed for the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention it is was reported that in 53% percent of parental abduction the child was gone less than one week and 21% were gone one month or more.   An alarming and growing concern is Internet abduction. A recent study showed that 1 in 4 youth received aggressive sexual solicitations that included attempts to contact or meet offline.   Due to these alarming statistics there have been many efforts to help prevent child abduction including the use of;

Child Id Kits
Photo Id card
ID bracelets
ID wristbands
GPS monitors
And even Cell Phones

Additionally, social networks such as MySpace have partnered with Enough is Enough and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to help keep the Internet a safe place for children and teens.

But is it enough? We need to educate both our youth as well as our parents on how to prevent child abduction.

The best way to accomplish this is through a new DVD called Kids and Strangers: []

This 60 minute DVD is ideal for kids, teens & adults and covers topics from Going to school and playing on the playground to texting and chatting online to parent tips and family talks.

As a society we have taken the rights steps toward helping to eliminate child abduction. We have created Amber Alert, Jessica's Law, Megan's Law & numerous other child laws. But think about it, each of these laws is named after a deceased child and aimed at the 2,000 juveniles, each day, who are victims of child abduction.

Let's stop naming laws after our children and start doing something to prevent these tragedies from happening. Let's start educating our kids and parents...

2011年6月7日 星期二

A Look at Missing Child Statistics

When a child goes missing, everyone in the community is affected, especially those who have children themselves or who know the missing child. Child abduction is a crime that will have a lasting effect on everyone involved, particularly the family of the child.

According the FBI's National Crime Information Center, parents call the police 2,100 times per day to report a child who has disappeared for any length of time. While most of these return home safely within minutes or hours, it is the cases in which the disappearance stretches to days that make national news.

A stereotypical kidnapping, in which a child is snatched by a stranger, occurs an average of 115 times each year, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. While these cases stay in the memories of residents for decades, the actual occurrence of a stranger abduction is rare. It is far more likely that the abductor will be someone the child knows, maybe even a family member. Over 200,000 children are taken by family members each year. Still, the possibility for both types of abductions should certainly be recognized. Even though statistics prove strangers abducting children is a rare occurrence, these statistics don't offer any comfort to the parents of a child who is missing.

A third category of child abductions is only now coming to light, and these are cases in which the missing child has been lured by information posted online. Are your children or teens active on social networking sites like MySpace? Do they chat online with people they don't know in real life? The internet has unfortunately created numerous opportunities for criminals to prey on children. Criminals posing as other kids and teens can easily strike up a conversation with your unsuspecting children.

How can parents protect their children from lurking dangers? Education is your best tool for defense, although you must teach your kids not only about the dangers of strangers, but also about the possibility of dangers in acquaintances, people in positions of power, or even family members. As a parent, it is your responsibility to take the necessary security precautions, from locking doors and windows to keeping the computer in a family room where you can monitor internet use.

Furthermore, it is not enough to tell your child to avoid talking to strangers or "just say no." Children are vulnerable because they are small and easily overpowered. Arm them with devices to protect themselves or summon adult help, such as a personal alarm. There are even child alarms shaped like panda bears or other child-friendly animals to help you and your children feel more at ease with the device.

If your child ever goes missing, for any length of time, what should you do? First, call the police. They can issue an Amber Alert, which has resulted in nearly 500 children being recovered to date. Second, they will help you search the area and question any suspects in the disappearance. The police have the ability to bring together the resources of media and journalists, the general public, and other law enforcement agencies to bring your child home quickly and safely.

Resist Attack has a full range of pepper sprays to keep you and your family safe. Also check for current specials on taser guns

2011年6月6日 星期一

Child Tracking Device - GPS Tracking For Children

What would you do if you lost your child and couldn't find them anywhere? That's every parent's nightmare and when it happens all the worst possibilities of abduction, child abuse and kidnapping are what you think about.

So what can you do to avoid this horrible situation? There is a solution but keeping your kids with you at all times isn't it. That is clearly impossible.

Thankfully, due to the new GPS technology that is so widely used to help navigation in cars, it is possible to have a child tracking Device to help locate you child in seconds. GPS tracking for children involves a very small device that can be attached to a child's belt, kept in their pocket or hidden away in their backpack.

The vast majority of time parents loose their kids due to innocent reasons. They just wander off in the mall when your attention is at the checkout desk or you are talking on the phone.

The moment you realize they are nowhere to be seen the panic and fear set in. Having a child tracking device in an amazing comfort knowing that, with the push of a few buttons, a detailed map can be sent to your cell phone with the exact position of your child.

Another advantage is that you can signal these devices to start making a loud noise which you will be able to hear and it will guide you to your lost kid. This function is extremely useful when in a crowed place like a mall or at the zoo. It is such a relief to hear the sound indicating your child has just wandered off to have a look at the elephant and is only a few yards away, lost in the crowd.

These sort of tracking devices where first used to locate stolen vehicles but were unsuitable for children because of their size. Now, with modern electronics, the devices are very small and easily carried by a child.

This type of child tracking device is a welcome addition to educating your kid about the dangers in our society and keeping them safe. If the worst case scenario happens and your child is abducted, the first few minutes are vital in locating them easily and getting them where they belong.

Save yourself the anguish and fear of losing your child by purchasing a Child Tracking Device and equip yourself with the tools to locate them quickly. Go now to and learn about the device all parents will want to have.

2011年6月5日 星期日

Did you Adopt A Child From China Because The Doctor Said You Could Not Have One Of Your Own?

It is all over the news today in England. It is the 18th Day of September 2006. The scandal has been exposed. Many of the so called orphans being offered up for adoption in Europe are children stolen from China, or sold by their own very parents.

Today, many people who have adopted a child from that part of the world will look at that child and wonder, was this child stolen or snatched from the cradle of their mums arms to be sold to me?

At times like this no words can ever be enough to answer such question. You look at this bundle of joy, this baby that has brought you so much Joy into your life and you wonder, what is his or her story.

I wanted to encourage you today to find rest in God's word. You have not done anything wrong. The people who are wrong are the ones who traffic in child abduction.

The people who are wrong are the parents in China who sell their children for money. God will not blame you for adopting a child.

What you have done is a great and noble deed. Infact orphans and children are so precious to God, that God calls himself the father of the orphan.

The bible puts it this way, A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Psalm 68:5.

This is what God says about adoption:

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world". James 1:27.

God says I am proud of you because you have done this noble deed. You cared enough to think about such little ones who have no one to love and care for them.

You reached out in love for one of these abandoned children. God is so proud of you.

I still have a word of advice for you. I know the doctors told you, you cannot have children of your own.

But I want to tell you something wounderful, God can still bless you with a child of your own if that is what you want.

The Bible says that, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Yes you can still have a child of your own. Luke 18:27.

I have seen God do it too many times for me not to tell you about it.

The bible says, Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! Isaiah 30:18.

Today, God longs to show you his mercy and turn things around for you.

Will you come to him and give him a chance to bless you and give you one more child. A brother or sister for the baby you already adopted.

Jesus is saying to you today, forget about all the negative doctors report you have received, yes "With man it may be impossible, but with God all things are possible." You can have a child from your own womb, if you choose to do it with God. Matthew 19: 26.

You may say to me, "Veronica, please do not raise my hope". I am not raising your hope. What I am sharing with you is what I have seen God DO AGAIN and AGAIN.

I have worked with many couple who were told will never be parents who today are happy parents of their own children.

No wonder the bible says this about God, "He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children". Praise the LORD. Psalm 113:9.

No matter how barren you are, God can turn it around for you. He can bless you with a baby from your own womb.

Do not be afraid to ask God to bless you with a child. He loves you and is waiting for you to ask him.

I guess no one ever told you God cared. Well I am telling you now. God cares about YOU.

If you will like to give God a chance today, say this prayer out now. Keep a copy and just pray this in faith for sometime and see what will happen.

Prayer OF Faith

I praise the Lord. I praise the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore.

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.

The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens.

Who is like the Lord my God, the one who sits enthroned on high-who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?

He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap. He seats them with princes, with the princes of their people.

He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord.

Father, you know how much I have suffered and how bad my medical report has been. By faith today, I declare myself a happy mother of children.

You said it Lord. Man may have said, it is impossible but with you I believe it is possible.

You said you will bless my womb, and settle me in my home as a happy mother of children. Do it Lord and take glory.

Give me a child Lord (Be specific Now and ask for a boy or girl or twins.) And you alone will take the glory.

I receive that blessing in Jesus name. Thank you for giving me children of my own, Lord. Amen.

Veronica Anusionwu has devoted a portion of her life to bringing spiritual solutions from the bible to help many people. She is the author of "Woman You Are Not Infertile" a book that has helped many women overcome infertility. Her book "Who Said You Are Too Old To Conceive" covers all area of (Childbirth for the older woman). Sign up for her free weekly newsletter by visiting

How to explain divorce to young children

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2011年6月4日 星期六

Puma Future Cat Remix LO V Sneaker (Toddler/Little Kid/Big Kid)

Puma Future Cat Remix LO V Sneaker (Toddler/Little Kid/Big Kid)Puma, a global athletic footwear giant has done it again with its latest creation. An innovative low-profile cup sole paired with smooth leather upper creates a fashionable, modern twist on the everyday sneaker.

Price: $40.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

GPS Child Locator

GPS Child Locator - The Basics and the Benefits

Many parents are starting to realize the benefits associated with a GPS child locator. In today's world, it is challenging for adults who care for kids to keep them safe. It is absolutely essential for adults and children alike to learn steps that will allow them to be safe and prevent them from potentially dangerous situations - such as abduction or becoming lost. Taking preventive measures such as purchasing and incorporating the use of a child GPS system is considered to be one of the best safety and prevention measures that may be taken.

GPS Child Locator Technology

In the year of 2006, it was estimated that well over eight hundred thousand individuals were reported as "missing". This statistic was established by the organization known as the "NCIC". This stands for "National Crime Information Center". This organization is part of the FBI. Out of this figure, the organization has specified that nearly eighty percent of this statistical figure were cases involving children. Each and every single day, children wander. It does not mean that parents are not watching or that adults that care for children are negligent. It is simply natural for children to explore their world. Now, with GPS child locator technology, adults may easily track the movements of the children that they are responsible for.

The technology that is behind the child GPS systems on the market today is nothing more than the standard technology of the Global Positioning System that has been used for years. There are a couple of satellites or more that rotate consistently around the earth. The technology is able to pinpoint devices that have the GPS censors installed in them. In most instances, a third party monitors a child GPS unit. The device that the child retains transmits a signal using a special transmission that is similar to that which cell phones emit. This is referred to as "GPRS" technology. Typically, the information issued includes the actual position of the child, the exact time, and even the velocity in which the child is traveling.

The Benefits

There are many benefits associated with the GPS child locator. Naturally, the ability to locate a child quickly and precisely is the main benefit when it comes to child GPS systems. However, there are many other practical uses associated with this type of device. Adults may effectively track the movements of a child in a public place such as the beach, malls, and other festivities. If a child is visiting another home or neighborhood, parents may effectively track their movements. If a child takes a wrong turn and becomes lost, they may be found quickly before other more serious incidents occur, such as an injury, sickness, or even abduction. If you are an adult that is directly responsible for the care and/or supervision of children under the age of eighteen, you will likely benefit from the use of the GPS child locator. There are many different types and models of child GPS systems available on the market today.

Nicole Roberts

2011年6月3日 星期五

Treasure hunt party game with pirate theme for children

Established, successful ebook, now open to affiliates. Easy To Organise Party Games For children 5-15 / Church / Celebration Etc. Longtail Keywords, Cross Sell And Upsell. More Info At

Check it out!

2011年6月2日 星期四

How to Prevent Child Abductions

It may seem shocking, but more than two thirds of all children will get lost at least once during their childhood years. According to one estimate, more than two thousands kids become lost just in the United States. Although most of these children are found in just a few minutes, it is always a possibility that they will never return. After all, we've all seen such cases of child abductions in the news. As a parent, this is one of the most frightening things that you can imagine happening to your kids. How to you keep them safe from a child abduction?

Every parent surely understands the fear that their child will get lost every time they step foot in a public place, whether it's a shopping mall or a grassy park. Even your well-behaved child has the natural curiosity to wander off the second you take your eyes off her. Turning your back to take a phone call, place your lunch order, or wave to a friend is enough time for a child to be lured away. Though you might be panicking at even the thought of this, your little one probably does not even realize the effect wandering off could have on you.

Although most cases of a child's disappearance in a public setting are tired to innocent distractions and wandering kids, news stories constantly remind us that this is not always true. If you are distracted, your lost child could become frightened, injured, or even abducted.

How can you prevent this? From the time your toddlers are old enough to walk, always remind them not to wander. They must also know what to do if they do accidentally lose you in the crowd. Though you've probably told them "don't talk to strangers" a thousand times, in this case talking to the right strangers, such as mall security, can actually reunite them with you faster. Teach your kids how to recognize police officers and store employees in case they need help finding you. They should also know your home address and phone number, in case they become separated for a longer period. These details should be attached in the label of their clothing if they are still too young to memorize them.

Regardless of where you are taking your children or who they are with, never assume that they are safe. In fact, most children who are abducted are taken by family members or acquaintances. Stranger abductions are actually quite rare, though they can happen anywhere, from a rural sidewalk to a crowded street. Kids outdoors without adult supervision are at an especially high risk of being taken.

Protecting your kids from child abduction requires not only the right information, but also the right tools. Consider a child alarm that sounds if your child wanders too far away from you. A personal alarm is another helpful device for keeping your child safe. One press of the alarm button and the loud alarm will sound, summoning the help of nearby adults. Personal alarms even come in child-friendly shapes like panda bears.

Resist Attack has a full range of TASER devices to keep you and your family safe. Also check for current specials on a wireless hidden camera

2011年6月1日 星期三

Tangled (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Tangled (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)Disney's 50th full-length animated feature film, Tangled is a visually appealing, music-filled adventure full of romance and humor. The movie focuses on Rapunzel, a girl with long magical hair who's lived her entire life imprisoned in a tower by her greedy mother. Naturally optimistic and acquiescent, Rapunzel (Mandy Moore) rarely complains about her circumstances, but for her 18th birthday she longs to leave the tower to see the floating lights that appear every year on her birthday. Her mother (Donna Murphy) refuses her request, but when thief Flynn Ryder (Zachary Levi) climbs the tower to escape his pursuers, Rapunzel (once she's conked him on the head with a skillet multiple times) impulsively decides to trust the young man and convinces him to help her escape to see the floating lights. Thus begins a journey that alternates quite schizophrenically between optimistic excitement and guilty remorse that will ultimately change Rapunzel's and Flynn's lives forever. Tangled is a masterful blend of humor, adventure, passion, and drama combined with a great musical score and top-notch animation. The Real 3-D effects add to the experience but probably won't really be missed in other formats. Best of all, Disney presents a princess who matures from a meek and compliant girl into a spunky young woman who's not afraid to pursue her dreams and risk it all for love--now that's a Disney princess worth emulating. (Ages 6 and older) --Tami Horiuchi

Price: $39.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Syma S107 R/C Helicopter with Built-in Gyroscope Remote - Yellow

Syma S107 R/C Helicopter with Built-in Gyroscope Remote - YellowThe brand new GYRO S107 3.5CH Mini RTF RC Helicopter comes with the greatest advancement in Helicopter Technology, a Gyro. No more crashing, no more replacing parts, the GYRO has changed the Helicopter industry completely, making this RC Helicopter super easy to fly and maneuver. Great for people of all skill levels, this bad boy features a coaxial rotor a single rear rotor for precise movement and a GYRO for increased stability whether flying or hovering. This RC helicopter has a metal body making it strong yet light weight so you don't have to worry about breaking anything when you land it a bit too rough. It can go forward, backward, up, down, left, right and hover. What really makes the Mini GYRO S107 stand out is the built in gyroscope making it automatically stabilize allowing you to focus on flying instead of trying not to make it crash. This product is ready to run, there is no assembly required. Just put in 6 AA batteries into the transmitter/charger and charge the helicopter and you are good to go. Small enough to fit on the palm of your hand, be the coolest kid on the block by getting the GYRO S107 3.5CH Mini RTF RC Helicopter! --Colors may vary depending upon availability.

Price: $129.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月31日 星期二

Stranger Danger - Teaching Abduction Safety to Children

Stranger Danger is one of the most important lessons for children to learn. We all know the catch phases like "Don't talk to strangers", "Never get into a car with a stranger", and "Don't take candy from a stranger." The phases are simple reminders for kids, but they can make the child insecure and fearful. How can we teach about stranger danger without scaring them or give them nightmares? Here's some quick tips to keeping your child safe.

What is a Stranger?

The first thing to teach children is the difference between a friend and a stranger. Statistics show that casual acquaintances perpetuate most abductions. Children wrongly assume that because the parent says "hi" to the clerk at the grocery store, that they are friends. Quiz your child in the difference between a stranger and a friend. Ask them if... a teacher is a friend or stranger, how about the cashier at Blockbuster, or your neighbor that you have know for 5 years, etc.? This drill is an excellent start.

Saying No to Adults

We teach our children to respect adult and listen to them so most children have difficulty say no to adults. Child Predators exploit this tendency to abduct children by telling them to get into a car with a stern voice. The stern voice makes the child feel they did something wrong and comply with the demands.

Teaching your child, that it is okay to say no to strangers and that they ALWAYS need to ask parent's permission first before meeting stranger's demands. Parents can role-play the parts of the stranger and have child say no.

What's the Secret Password?

In the case of an emergency, create a family password that only you and your child know. A friend may need to pick up your child at school or an activity. How does your child know that you asked them to pick them up and it's not a trick? Yes, you got it, the family password. The child asks the friend for the family password and if they know it, the child knows that you did send them and everything's okay. Don't forget to change the password once it is used.

Important Information your child should know

Teach your child some vital information will assist if they get lost. You should quiz them periodically to ensure they remember it. Give them lots of praise and attention for answering correctly. The vital information for the child to know is your full home address, home phone number, both parent's full names, and cell phone numbers. Many kids are shy around other adults so it's important to build their confidence so they can repeat the information to a police officer or another person trying to help.

Know thy enemy

Awareness is power in abduction safety. Parents should know if any child predators live in their area. Parents can go to to search for child predators with prior conviction in your area.

Tim Rosanelli is a 5th degree Black Belt in Shotokan Karate and owns Maximum Impact Karate located in Dublin, Pennsylvania. For more information about Maximum Impact Karate visit their website at


Read more of Tim Rosanelli's articles at

Unravel Child Abduction Facts

One minute she's there and the next she's gone. It is indeed every parent's worst nightmare not to know where their child is, or what's happened to her.

Following are the various types of Child Abduction

family kidnapping

By far the most common kind of child abduction is parental child abduction and often occurs when the parents separate or begin divorce proceedings. When relationships break down, a minority of parents cannot face the prospect of living apart from their child or even of sharing the care of the children with their ex-partner. Occasionally, a parent will decide to take the law into their own hands and bring their children to live with them without the permission of the other parent or the courts - an act called parental child abduction.

Acquaintance kidnapping

Victimizes more females than males, occurs primarily at outdoor locations, victimizes both teenagers and school-age children, is associated with sexual assaults in the case of girl victims and robberies in the case of boy victims (although not exclusively so), and is the type of kidnapping most likely to involve the use of a firearm.

Stranger kidnapping

Perhaps the most feared (although not the most common) kind of abduction is removal by a stranger. The stereotypical version of stranger abduction is the classic form of "kidnapping." Stranger kidnapping victimizes more females than males, occurs primarily at outdoor locations, victimizes both teenagers and school-age children, is associated with sexual assaults in the case of girl victims and robberies in the case of boy victims (although not exclusively so), and is the type of kidnapping most likely to involve the use of a firearm.

International child abduction

When a child is removed across an international frontier either having been taken from the care of such a person, or having been removed without the consent of such person, then this constitutes an international child abduction.

International Child Abduction is not new. Reasons behind increases in international child abduction include greater numbers of relationships between partners of different nationalities and easier cheaper travel facilities and a high divorce rate.

Find more information on Child Abduction at

2011年5月30日 星期一

GPS Tracking for Children - 3 Devices Available to Keep Your Child Safe

GPS tracking for children is becoming more widely available, and there are 3 devices available now that you can choose from to help keep your child safe. It is a terrifying feeling when you can't find your child, and when they are away at school it can be difficult not knowing if they are where they should be. Child abductions are more common than people think and it just takes a second to lose track of a child, but now there is something you can do about it. There are a few other GPS trackers on the market, but the three below are targeted with kids in mind.

1. BrickHouse Child Locator: You may have seen this device on a battery commercial recently; the all too common scene of a mother tending to a younger child only to turn around to find their older child is gone. Panic sets in, but thanks to this device she quickly locates her son and all is well again. Unfortunately, this device doesn't work as well as it shows on that ad and many have found that it is great for finding keys, but not so great for finding kids. So you may want to save your money for one of the other two devices discussed below.

2. SecuraPAL GPS Child Tracking Device: GPS tracking plus an easy to access SOS button, this device gives piece of mind in a handy little piece of technology. One really cool feature is the secura fences that you can place so that you are notified by e-mail if your child leaves any designated spot. You can add as many fences as you like and easily add new ones if new places start to become regularly visited. This device can fit inside a pocket or a backpack and works with both the iPhone and Blackberry.

3. Amber Alert GPS Armor: This is a brand new device that has some very cool features that will work for kids of all ages. You may have seen the previous Amber Alert model before, but this new kid friendly device can be color customized and is about the size of an Oreo. It works with phone apps as well as on computers to use the GPS tracking, which you can watch live and see it move every 60 seconds. The unlimited model comes with an SOS alert, low battery alert, safe zone alerts, a speed alert and more. If you'd like to be able to contact your child you can opt for the 2-way voice which allows you to either call and just listen in, or call your child and be connected with them instantly (it does not ring or vibrate like a cell phone.)

In the article above you learned more about GPS tracking for children and some of the options out there for you to choose from. The Brickhouse child locator may work in some situations, but if you want something a little more reliable, I recommend you take a look at the SecuraPal GPS Child Tracking device as well as the new Amber Alert GPS Armor. You can't do everything to protect your child, but it can give you peace of mind to be able to keep an electronic eye on them. Be alerted if they leave the school yard, keep track of a teenager's speed while they are driving, or just know they have an SOS button within reach if they should need it.

Child GPS tracking is a fairly new option for parents, and it can be a huge relief just knowing they are safe even if you can't be with them.

To learn more about the #1 device on the market visit GPS Tracking for Children

2011年5月29日 星期日

Child Safety - Does Your Dog Have More Identification Than Your Child?

Take a moment and think about it. When you consider the fact that, as adults, we would never consider leaving the house without our id. We spend thousands on home and car alarms, we are even protecting our family pets with microchips; however, our most cherished possessions, our children, leave home without any identification.

Here are some questions:

- Have you taken the time to record your child's fingerprints, gather a hair sample for DNA purposes, record all his/her specific identification, including specific identifying features and a photograph of your child in a Child ID kit? If so, is it up to date?

- In the event of a motor vehicle accident, in which you have been rendered unconscious, do the emergency medical professionals have a quick way of accessing your child's specific medical history, including your child's blood type, medical provider, allergies, any medications they may be taking at the time, or, even your family's doctor's name and phone number?

- If you were on vacation with your children and they became lost or separated from you, or worse, arrived at a hospital, unconscious, as a John Doe, how or who would notify you and how would they know to do so?

- Do you or your husband, for that matter; carry your child's specific identification,

this should include an up to date picture?

- Do you, as responsible parents, take the time to talk with your children about child safety?

- If you became separated from your child in a crowd, would someone be able to contact you directly, or even know who your child was?

If your answer was no or I don't know, don't worry, you are not alone. The sad fact of the matter is that children do not carry identification; if they did they would likely loose it!

Given today's world, it's becoming a necessity for children to carry identification. This fact was clearly illustrated through recent tragic natural disasters such as the tsunami, hurricane Katrina and the earthquake in Pakistan. With each of these disasters, we've witnessed far too many unidentified children.

When thinking of child identification, often, fingerprints and hair samples are the first things that enter our mind. There are far too many companies that profess to provide your child with identification.

Let me inform you that 99.9% of those companies are passive in nature.

Fingerprints, DNA information, pictures and even dental records will and are only ever used after the fact. Passive information. Think of it as locking the barn after the horse gets away. It's unfortunate that as parents, we feel that we have done all possible to protect our children by having recorded this information. This is the first step, and a very important step in the safety of your child; however, as a parent, the only time you ever want to look at your child's identification kit is and should be when you update it. This is a very important step towards safeguarding against the unthinkable. Few people are aware that children's fingerprints are actually changing for the first 4-5 years of their life; therefore, it is imperative that this information be updated at least once a year, and every 6 months for the first three years of a child's life.

When looking for a child identification provider, keep in mind the old adage " An once of prevention far outweighs a pound of cure". If all the company provides you with are a fingerprint kit, keep looking! One such proactive provider of child safety and identification is Child ID Labels inc.

The purpose of this article is not to alarm you but to inform you, as we are all aware, information is a powerful tool. If, in reading this, you took a moment to think about your child's safety, please email this article to as many people as you know and encourage them to do the same. Your children are, after all, your most valuable possessions as well as our future.

Scott Irwin is the Marketing Director for Child I.D. Labels inc. Founded in 1995, Child ID Labels has been protecting North American children for more than 10 years. For more information on their unique proactive approach to child identification and how you can help keep your children safe visit Child ID Labels inc. is growing and open to distributorship enquiries. Email us at

Top 14 Child Abduction Prevention Tips

Child abduction is rare, but it does happen. As a parent, you can't spend every moment with your child to ensure that he or she is safe. You can, however, teach your child how to be safe and how to help safeguard themselves against abduction. It is important to try to discuss abduction in a way that is serious, yet not too frightening for the child. The following guidelines are written for children and can be a useful tool for parents teaching their children how to be safe.

Child Abduction Prevention Tips

Do not go near a car you don't know.
Always let your parents know where you are and who you are with.
If you get lost in a public place, stay put. Ask someone who works there for help finding your parents.
Stay away from strangers; never tell them your name or where you live.
If you feel like you are being followed, get away as quickly as you can. The best places to go are where you know an adult or where there are a lot of people. If you are being followed by a car, run in the other direction.
If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, tell an adult you trust.
Use the buddy system: take someone with you whenever you are in public.
Never take candy or gifts from a stranger.
If an adult asks you for directions, do not talk to them. This is something they should ask another adult to do, not a child.
Never go anywhere without a parent's permission.
If you need to use a public restroom, do not go alone - take a buddy with you.
If anyone touches or treats you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, tell them to "STOP" in a loud voice. Then tell an adult you trust right away.
If someone tries to lead you away, scream "Help!", "I don't know you!", or "Stranger!"
Use a secret emergency code word your whole family knows. If someone does not know the secret word, you should not go with him or her.

As parents, it is important to keep lines of communication open with your children at all times. Talk with your children on a daily basis about the safety precautions they must take while at home and in public. Studies have shown that children are at highest risk of abduction before and after school, which are usually the times when they have least adult supervision. Make sure that your child and his or her school teachers know exactly who is supposed to pick them up from school. If the person picking them up ever changes be sure to notify the school and have them confirm the right person has picked your child up.

If your child is a latch-key kid, be sure to establish a plan with him or her to always check-in with you once they have arrived home from school. Knowing where your child is at all times is one of the most thorough ways to ensure their safety. Finally, it is important to listen to what your children have to say, because they might not always know how to communicate to you about when they have felt in danger. If your child does report any suspicious behavior to you, alert your local authorities immediately.

Read more family safety tips and find out how a home security system from Gaylord Security can help protect your family.

2011年5月28日 星期六

Dumbo (Two-Disc 70th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray / DVD Combo Pack in Blu-ray Packaging)

Dumbo (Two-Disc 70th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray / DVD Combo Pack in Blu-ray Packaging)A Disney "classic" that actually is a classic, Dumbo should be part of your video collection whether or not you have children. The storytelling was never as lean as in Dumbo, the songs rarely as haunting (or just plain weird), the characters rarely so well defined. The film pits the "cold, cruel, heartless" world that can't accept abnormality against a plucky, and mute, hero. Jumbo Jr. (Dumbo is a mean-spirited nickname) is ostracized from the circus pack shortly after his delivery by the stork because of his big ears. His mother sticks up for him and is shackled. He's jeered by children (an insightful scene has one boy poking fun at Dumbo's ears, even though the youngster's ears are also ungainly), used by the circus folk, and demoted to appearing with the clowns. Only the decent Timothy Q. Mouse looks out for the little guy. Concerns about the un-PC "Jim Crow" crows, who mock Dumbo with the wonderful "When I See an Elephant Fly," should be moderated by remembering that the crows are the only social group in the film who act kindly to the little outcast. If you don't mist up during the "Baby Mine" scene, you may be legally pronounced dead. --Keith Simanton

Price: $39.99

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2011年5月27日 星期五

Child ID Cards - Over 2100 Children Go Missing Each Day, A Child ID Card Can Help Find a Lost Child

The U.S. Department of Justice reports:

o 797,500 children (younger than 18) were reported missing in a one-year period of time studied resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day.

o 203,900 children were the victims of family abductions.

o 58,200 children were the victims of non-family abductions.

o 115 children were the victims of "stereotypical" kidnapping. (These crimes involve someone the child does not know or someone of slight acquaintance, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.)

While these statistics are startling, the risk of a child missing or being kidnapped, as far as percentages go, is really quite low. They are low, that is, until it becomes your child. Should the situation arise that your child is missing, there are certain pieces of information that you need to have readily at hand to give to emergency authorities. They include:

*A recent photo of the child

*Medical information pertaining to the child

*Any identifying marks

*Physical information such as color of eyes, hair, or do they wear glasses

This information can be kept on a piece of paper at home along with a picture, but what happens if you don't have access to that information? Say you are at the mall when your child disappears, what do you have to help police or security guards?

One answer is that you have a child ID card in your wallet that contains all the pertinent information that authorities need to find your child. The information that provides critical ID information to authorities will go a long way in helping to find your child. It is also recommended that you keep a picture of your child on your cell phone for emailing or download.

It also needs to be noted that approximately 85% of children under the age of 16 carry no form of ID. The risk then arises that if your child is in an accident away from home, say at the skateboard park, and injured or rendered unconscious, they will have no information on their person that First Responders can use in either treating them or in getting in contact with you.

There are countless other examples where the need for your child to carry an ID card will arise. If you are on vacation and in an auto accident and rendered unconscious, will your child have information about them that lists any medication or physical conditions? The times the need for an ID card arises are countless.

It is recommended that your child have an ID card and you have one as well. Additionally, the card should be updated once a year (usually on the child's birthday) or as medical conditions change. Information that should be on the card includes:



*Color of hair and eyes

*Identifying marks

*Contacts with at least two phone number

*Medicines and allergies

*Doctor's name and phone

*Dentist's name and phone

The card should be made of a durable plastic. This way there is little risk of it being ruined when the child is playing or should the card get wet. Another reason for a plastic card is the sense of importance it brings to the child-they'll have a real ID card just like their parents driver's license.

A Child ID Card will prove to be a great tool in the case of an emergency or missing child. We recommend that you give one to your child and keep the other in your wallet. And make sure you keep the card up to date.

In today's society, it is so easy for a child to become lost or missing. Help increase the chances of them being found with the information that will be on your Child ID Card.

To see this and other forms of ID, please visit our web site

2011年5月26日 星期四

What You Can Do To Safeguard Your Child And Be Prepared

Here is a list of things your can do to be proactive in protecting your child as well as being prepared incase your child is missing or abducted.

o Never leave a child unattended while shopping, visiting with neighbors or friends. Under no circumstances should you leave a child alone in a car or truck.

o Teach your child to always tell you where they are going and check with you before going anywhere with anyone.

o Teach your child their address and phone number as well as a second phone number of a friend or relative at an early age. Have them practice writing and reciting this information.

o Teach your child how to make a collect phone call, and begin by saying "Operator I'm in trouble; I need your help."

o If your child is home alone; teach them to:

o Keep all doors and windows locked.

o Never let anyone know that he or she is alone.

o Never let anyone in the house even if they say they are a police officer or from the fire department. These individuals know how to forcibly enter a house if there is an emergency.

o Keep a current photograph of your child (up close head and shoulders and a profile picture). Update your child's picture every 6 months to 1 year. Take videos a couple of times a year.

o Have your child fingerprinted.

o Have a current description of your child on hand. This description should include: height, weight, hair color, eye color, if your child is left or right handed, birthmarks, scars, moles, freckles other unique identifying features.

o Be aware of what your child is wearing.

o Know who their friends are, where they live and their phone numbers.

o Create a family secret CODE WORD. Tell your child that if anyone approaches them saying that they are a family friend, they must ask for the secret word. If the person does not know the word your child should run away as quickly as possible and tell a trusted adult.

o Let your child know that their body belongs to them. No one has the right to touch them inappropriately. If this happens or if they feel uncomfortable around someone they should tell you.

o Do not label clothing, backpacks, purses or other clothing item. A child will tend to pay attention to anyone calling him or her by name.

o Teach your child to yell "THIS IS NOT MY PARENT" and run to somewhere safe with a lot of people if someone tries to take them away.

o Teach your child to tell you or another trusted adult immediately if a stranger asks them for help (for example: Can you help me find a pet? Can you give me directions?), offers them candy or gifts, or frightens them in anyway.

This information was compiled from multiple sources to create a comprehensive document. Some of these sources include: Maryland State Police Maryland's Missing Children pamphlet, and

Child Product: Ruby started RubyStone Enterprises aka to help keep you and your little ones stay safe and secure. At we offer a wide range of Free Safety advice, Newsletters, guides and tips as well as the very latest in unique safety products to help you protect yourself and loved ones. Copyright 2007 by Ruby Aragon. All rights reserved.

We've got the solutions to help you cope with all of these situations. Your life becomes easier and safer when you have unique safety and protection products from Rubystone.

You CAN Protect Your Loved Ones In An Emergency-By Being Prepared!

2011年5月25日 星期三

Child Safety Should Be America's Top Priority

If not now, when will America come to terms with losing her children to abductions by adults and organizations targeting and trafficking our youth. Seems like every day you turn on the news or read the newspaper, another child has been abducted by a stranger or in some cases family members and parents.

Child abductions rank up there with high crimes, treason and terrorism. Why is it American citizens are not sick and tired of being sick and tired about this terrible problem?

Major television continues to produce shows about the glamorous lifestyle of her celebrities, while at the same time you hardly see or hear anything about the abduction of our countries most valuable assets, our children.

Child safety should be #1 in the hearts and minds of over 300 million citizens in the United States of America. If we are to be considered the lone super power in the world, then we had better darn well take care of our children.

Having grown up in a family of nine children, my mother and father did everything that could to protect us from any and all acts of deceit and deception by mentally unstable and mentally sick adults. Mind you my father did not play that game and every one in my community understood you do not mess with the Vann children and if you do, there would be a price to be paid to rectify the problem.

The fact that two parents are working in the household and strangers are raising children in day care centers throughout the country, it is no wonder the rate of child abductions and exploitation is at an all time high. It is a sad state of affairs for America, but you can do something to protect your children.

Visit my child safety website to learn more about my business and sign up to protect your children:

Thank you in advance for taking time out of your schedule to learn how you can make a world of difference providing safety for our children. If you have any questions contact me at (240) 476-8976.

Paul Lawrence Vann is a successful entrepreneur, motivational speaker and author of the book, Living on Higher Ground. He leads Fortune 500 companies, associations, government agencies, and eudcational institutions to achieve higher levels of excellence through his leadership and diversity strategies. Hos clients include MasterCard International, United States Air Force Academy, USEPA, National Military Family Association, Toastmasters International, John Hopkins University, and numerous other organizations., [],, (800) 476-8976.

JanSport Classic SuperBreak Backpack

JanSport Classic SuperBreak BackpackBoasting a sturdy 600-denier polyester construction and a stylish exterior, the JanSport SuperBreak backpack easily and comfortably carries your gear for years to come. The utilitarian pack offers a single main compartment and a front pocket with an organizer, giving it enough space to store two to three textbooks, a large binder, two to three spiral notebooks, several paperbacks, a calculator, pens and pencils, a bag lunch, a cell phone, and an MP3 player--all without breaking a sweat. In addition, the SuperBreak is comfortable enough for a full day of striding from class to class, with straight-cut, padded shoulder straps and a 2/3-padded back panel for cushioning comfort. Also outfitted with a web haul loop along the top, the SuperBreak carries a lifetime warranty.


  • Capacity: 1,551.2 cubic inches / 25.42 liters
  • Dimensions: 13 by 16.7 by 8.5 inches (W x H x D)
  • Weight: 12 ounces
About JanSport
For more than 30 years, JanSport has created products to help you carry the stuff you need, where you need it, in the most functional and fashionable way possible. JanSport's success extends around the globe and into walks of life that are as varied as the company's product offering. JanSport's goal is to design, engineer, manufacture, and market products that can help you get from point A to point B, wherever that may be. And the company wants to help you get there in the most functional way possible. Realizing that the pack that carries your books to school might be the same backpack that carries your gear on a Saturday day hike, JanSport incorporates flexibility into each and every design. The company is headquartered in Appleton, Wisconsin, with offices in the U.S. and Europe.

Price: $0.00

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