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2011年5月25日 星期三

Child Safety Should Be America's Top Priority

If not now, when will America come to terms with losing her children to abductions by adults and organizations targeting and trafficking our youth. Seems like every day you turn on the news or read the newspaper, another child has been abducted by a stranger or in some cases family members and parents.

Child abductions rank up there with high crimes, treason and terrorism. Why is it American citizens are not sick and tired of being sick and tired about this terrible problem?

Major television continues to produce shows about the glamorous lifestyle of her celebrities, while at the same time you hardly see or hear anything about the abduction of our countries most valuable assets, our children.

Child safety should be #1 in the hearts and minds of over 300 million citizens in the United States of America. If we are to be considered the lone super power in the world, then we had better darn well take care of our children.

Having grown up in a family of nine children, my mother and father did everything that could to protect us from any and all acts of deceit and deception by mentally unstable and mentally sick adults. Mind you my father did not play that game and every one in my community understood you do not mess with the Vann children and if you do, there would be a price to be paid to rectify the problem.

The fact that two parents are working in the household and strangers are raising children in day care centers throughout the country, it is no wonder the rate of child abductions and exploitation is at an all time high. It is a sad state of affairs for America, but you can do something to protect your children.

Visit my child safety website to learn more about my business and sign up to protect your children:

Thank you in advance for taking time out of your schedule to learn how you can make a world of difference providing safety for our children. If you have any questions contact me at (240) 476-8976.

Paul Lawrence Vann is a successful entrepreneur, motivational speaker and author of the book, Living on Higher Ground. He leads Fortune 500 companies, associations, government agencies, and eudcational institutions to achieve higher levels of excellence through his leadership and diversity strategies. Hos clients include MasterCard International, United States Air Force Academy, USEPA, National Military Family Association, Toastmasters International, John Hopkins University, and numerous other organizations., [],, (800) 476-8976.

