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2011年3月31日 星期四

Urie Bronfenbrenner; Theories changed approach to the development of the child; at 88

LOS ANGELES--Urie Bronfenbrenner, co-founder of the federal head start program and its theories in-depth changed the understanding of what children to successful adults, must develop Professor died Sunday after a long illness at his home in IthacaN.Y. He was 88.

Professor of Psychology at Cornell University, Dr. Bronfenbrenner argues that individuals not isolated but within a system of relations develop with the family and society. He called his theory of the ecology of human development.

He believed that keeping the family intact-- in particular to ensure that children regular, sustainable interaction with their parents, not only sporadic "quality time"-was one of the most critical challenges society. " For several decades, he showed a strong voice for programmes and activities against the forces on the family, the breakdown of which he said interest rate decisions easily in alarming rates of pregnancy, drug abuse, violence and other problems.

Its commitment to parent involvement in their child's education led to his appointment in the year 1965 a federal Panel that for head start the Foundation, the school program readiness, which has served 20 million disadvantaged children and families in the last 40 years.

After Melvin L. Kohn, Johns Hopkins University sociologist and former student of Cornell Professor, Dr. Bronfenbrenner's work driven social and behavioural scientist, "realize that relationships, even [at] smallest... Parent-child relationship, in a social vacuum still missing, but were in the larger social structures of the eingebettetGesellschaft community, economy and politics. "

Dr. Bronfenbrenner was born in Moscow, in the United States with his family when he was 6.

He studied psychology and music at Cornell, where he earned a Bachelor's degree. He received a Masters in education from Harvard University and received his doctorate in psychology in developmental at the University of Michigan in the year 1942.

The day after he received his PhD, he joined the army and served as a psychologist during the second WELTKRIEGS. In 1948, he joined the Cornell faculty.

In 1964 he testified at a congressional hearing, urge that President Johnson's war on poverty be extended objective poverty the most vulnerable victims, children. He received an invitation to the White House for tea with Lady Bird Johnson, who wanted to discuss programs to child care, he had studied his remarks.

He was one of the three developmental psychologist on whose work the gap led to the development planning Committee. The other two psychologists were Mamie Clark and Edward Zigler, a Yale child development expert who is often referred to as the "father" of the tab.

Their work laid the Foundation for the landmark program that has parental involvement as a cornerstone.

In later years, Dr. Bronfenbrenner was sharply increasing materialism, which he said parents, more for hours way from home work to do nice things for your children promoted was. He saw it as just one of several social forces, the ultimate reduction of the family and strengthen the alienation of American young people were.

He urged families to interact regularly to time and to learn in activities such as low key as a walk together. Dr. Bronfenbrenner stressed, that the activity of less important as was "What is in between" - a conversation or any other interaction with a caring adult. " He said such interactions were a boost of the healthy psychological development of a child and an essential strategy for combating the deterioration of the family.

He wrote 14 books, including "two worlds of Kindheit"(1970), a comparison of American and Soviet child-rearing.

The father of six children, he conceded that the demands of work and parenthood juggling often challenged him.

At the end of a 1970-White House-Conference on American children, in which he said was the Cornell scholar from Assistant to President Nixon asked to extend his stay by one day. Dr. Bronfenbrenner, wanted to return for a family birthday party but home.

"I said,"I can not","Dr. Bronfenbrenner reminded later many years in an interview." The presidential aide "said stern voice,"You put your own children from the children of this country?" I said: "Yes." "

According to the New York Times, Dr. Bronfenbrenner leaves behind his wife dreiundsechzigsten years of age, Liese; two sons, Michael, the Seal Beach, California, and Steven, from San Anselmo, California. four daughters, Beth target New York City; Mary and Kate, from Ithaca; and Ann Stambler of Newton, Massachusetts; 13 Grandchildren, and great-grandson.

c Copyright 2006 Globe newspaper company.

View the original article here

Divorcing couples to mediation before the Court

Anthony Douglas: court cases often make poor status of couples divorcing, mediation will be treated to classify the majority of disputes before they are allowed to use the courts, the Government announced.

Jonathan Djanogly the Justice Minister said mediation was "faster, cheaper, more alternative" courts over-worked.

Means for England and Wales, focused on financial, custody disputes come to power on 6 April.

Cases of domestic violence and child protection is still with the Court.

Mr. Djanogly said: "almost every time I ask someone if their divorce battle through the courts, was worth it, the answer is ' no '.

"Mediation is already legally aided helps thousands of people throughout England and Wales every year, but I am concerned about these financing their own court actions are you miss out on the benefits that can result.

Read the story of
our suggestions to reform the system and encourage people to take advantage of the best sources of help, advice, or tracks the resolution did not involve the expense of lawyers or courts functioning "
end quote from Jonathan Djanogly Minister ???????"????? everyone will have the opportunity to see if it can be a better solution than Go straight to court. "

The Minister said the statistics plan day of BBC Radio 4 suggested that more than two-thirds of couples joining the mediation results were "satisfied."

"It gives people an opportunity to take their future in their own hands."

Under the change, anyone who would like to use the courts would have to go through a mandatory mediation evaluation, which could cost the first couples to £ 140.

If mediation is not be ??????, for example, one side refuses to take part in it, the case could go to court.

However, the Government's proposal to cut aid for legal separation, this means that if you do not have their caches after evaluation, they would have the obligation to pay for legal advice, representation in courts.

Some lawyers claimed that a total denial of access to the High Court of justice.

And acts of court, which represents solicitors in England and Wales, he asked whether mediation is always appropriate way to decide arguments.

President Linda Lee said: "as for granted all the lawyer for an agreed goals through negotiations because going to court is pressed. It is not always possible, in some cases, the Court is the only appropriate way of resolving the problems.

"The Government is to create the myth of the bridge is ?????? in order to justify the cuts to legal aid, which will lead to areas such as this, where people desperately need advice out of range."

Justice Ministry spokesman said that the courts should be involved in the change parental contact days or other small disputes.

The Ministry said there were 137,000 divorce issues in 2009, up to 16%.

Cost per client of £ 544, compared to mediation £ 2,591 for court costs, the National Audit Office is also bridging was faster-110 days, compared to 435 days in court.

The passage does not refer to Scotland or Northern Ireland.

"Tremendous strain"

However, a spokeswoman for the Scottish Government in Scotland said: "We encourage the use of mediation in cases of family when it fits and safe to do so.

"There is a general provision for the sheriff courts in Scotland to any matter related to the responsibility of the parents and an intermediary."

Last year, David Norgrove, who chairs a review into the matter, said Whitehall "tremendous effort" in which "really unendurable" for children of divorced parents.

Clark Kent Secretary of Justice recently announced plans to scrap civil legal assistance to a variety of cases.

Mr. Djanogly pointed out that the criminal law in England, Wales-£ 2bn a year was higher than in most other countries.

He said: "our proposals to fundamentally reform the system and encourage people to take advantage of the best sources of help, advice, or tracks the resolution did not involve the expense of lawyers or the courts."

View the original article here

2011年3月30日 星期三

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2011年3月29日 星期二

The woman's stabbing her ex-husband custody battle

of her mother, who was stabbed in the neck above her ex-husband a child custody battle there was was imprisoned for a period of 10 years.

Susan Shadwell was convicted of wounding intention but cleared of attempting to murder David Shadwell.

Sentencing, Mr. Clark called the case '' a sad and extreme example "of battles between estranged parents fighting over their children.

41 years, Van Dyke close bbiisingstok, Hampshire, used half a sentence in the community.

Childcare worker was previously admitted to breaking into strict, was sentenced to four years for this offense, to run concurrently.

' Shocking ' power

The Court heard that a prolonged battle between the couple with their children.

But Shadwell were moproth her ex-husband, failed to obey orders by the Court to allow him access.

She was warned by a family court that if it is not allowed, an order for not accessing shelter up to her.

Do they hide inside a Mr. Shadwell nearby old basing, dressed in dark clothes, and when he went to sleep is repeatedly stabbed him in the neck.

Protection of Shadwell, Ian Lawrie said: "the pressure" after her shocking when I had leukaemia took its toll on the "mother" model.

"Attachment to her children in the heart of what it was that caused her to behave as it did," he said.

Mr. Clark, sitting at the Royal courts of Justice, said he read recommendations from friends and family, describing the "great model".

"These people will not believe what you were doing that night," he said.

View the original article here

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2011年3月28日 星期一

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2011年3月27日 星期日

Dating do's and Don'ts-your Complete Guide for avoiding Gaffes

Yes, while you were married you probably thought of public speaking as the most frightening activity you could attempt. The very thought of a crowd of strangers looking at you, listening to how you speak, making judgments about who you are and what you know, caused the average marriage partner to freeze in panic. You watched others speak publicly, and probably thought.."Man oh man, better them than me".

Then you got divorced, and at some point you realized that you were expected to date. Your face went pale, you experienced cold sweats, and you swore you'd be willing to speak to angry crowds rather than go through dating again.

After all, dating couldn't be like it was way back when, right? It was sort of easy back then. We came together easily, and we parted ways easily, but now? Me? Date? OMG.

The truth is, is that it hasn't really changed. At least the people haven't changed much. Most of them are the same ones you grew up around and experienced all those similar experiences with. Yes, the periphery has changed, but we're basically still the same.

What you'll find below is a compilation of two lists. Dating "Do's" that suggest what to place importance on, and "Don'ts", obviously thoughts and activities that can be obstacles to successfully making friends. Remember one thing in all this. You're looking to engage a subset of people in order to find one or more that share your interests, beliefs or activities. Most won't fit quite right. Some will. Just make friends. Most people are looking for friends too.

There's some controversy about when one should begin the dating process. That answer will be found in your personal beliefs and ability to recover from trauma. Some believe that, for religious reasons, a person should not date until the ink is dry on a divorce decree. Your state's laws may support the notion that any dating while legally married is adultery. Make sure you check your state's laws. Others believe you should date once you've emotionally healed from the loss of a love. There is a body of thinking that suggests that in order to figure how long it will take you to heal, you should take the number of married years and divide by two. This author recognizes that healing begins when it does, which can include before or during a divorce separation, and for some, that healing can be complete before the final gavel on the divorce. Everyone is different. Once you're indifferent to what the ex does and says, you're healed.

During your divorce, you were concerned with child custody, divorce laws, child support, , alimony, separation, legally separated, divorce recovery, advice, statutes, divorce settlement, family law, recovery, divorce articles, legal, visitation, fathers rights, marital separation, annulment, parental alienation, healing, spiritual, lawyers, grounds for divorce, mediation, divorce support, adultery, counseling, common law, grandparents rights and more. Now its time for the new you.

Dating Do's- Thoughts and Behaviors to consider

Meet your date in a public place. This should always be the case, especially if the meeting results from getting to know someone on-line.

If you are the guy, be sure to have the date planned out. You would have already suggested a place to go together. Surprises can make the woman very uneasy.

Be attentive to your date. Be engaged. be interested. Surely the time between speaking with your date last, and your date now, created some additional interest. It's okay to talk about yourself some, but don't be boorish.

If you are the man, be chivalrous. Yes, open the door for her, hold her seat as she gets seated (the chair, silly, the chair), and be prepared to order for her if it's dining.

If you're the woman, you might offer to pay for the outing when the date is originally discussed, or perhaps make it Dutch. If he insists on paying (and most will), accept that and don't make a big deal about paying during the date. Instead, if you feel obliged, think of something (an ice cream cone) that you can pay for.

Crack some jokes. If you don't know any, go on-line. Be funny. Funny is charming. be tasteful, of course. No dirty jokes.

Be flexible. Life throws us curves, and you may need to select another place to go, or dine at. This should be an adventure. Explore. Observe. Observe how you interact with your date. Were you nervous? What did you like? Would you change anything?

During conversation, don't get too far ahead of yourself. If your date hears you naming his future children, or planning the garden you will share with him, he may get skittish.

Be genuine, and be complimentary. If there's something about your date that you particularly like, say so. (Avoid staring at her chest if you tell her you like her dress). Even if there isn't anything striking, compliment her nice appearance.

When you are out on a date, be OUT. Only one conversation with your children, and be sure to shut off your cell phone. You can impress her that Obama is calling another time.

Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Do this on your date, and if you haven't started yet, do this until you die. It will serve you well.

If your date is important, treat that person so. If your date is not important, what the heck are you doing there? Be on time, call if late, and show respect for your date's time.

Look your best. Wear appropriate clothes for the venue. For God's sake shave. Don't put on too much cologne or perfume. Your date won't be impressed that you buy it buy the gallon.

Pay attention to body language, because your date likely is. face your date when speaking, and make eye contact. Smile. Don't map your date's face too much with your eyes, because that can give your date the idea you want to skip dessert and really go for the dessert.

For men, be sure to get your date to her door after the date. Make sure she's safe when you leave her.

Remember that you may have to kiss alot of frogs before one turns into a Prince. It's a numbers game. You wouldn't expect to find a dear friend without meeting many that couldn't be that good friend, right?

If a relationship is meant to last forever, you have time. Don't rush into intimacy, shared toothbrushes or a pet dog before the time is right.

Think of it this way. The last time you saw a picture of yourself from many years ago, you thought: Wow, I wasn't nearly as fat as I imagined back then. Now imagine taking a picture today, and looking at it in 20 years. You look marvelous, darling.

Dating Don'ts- This stuff is like Poison

Don't act distracted during a date. Don't leave cell phones on. Don't let your eyes wander while your date is speaking. Be attentive.

Don't agree just to agree. Be yourself. Express your views. Obviously you don't want an argument to start, but your date would like to know you have convictions, and what they are.

Don't be pretentious. Sometimes people allow nerves to alter how the really feel, or behave. Remember, you're both trying to get to know what makes the other tick. If there is something not genuine your date will be disappointed.

Don't turn the date into a therapy session. There's no need to show your date how much you've learned from Dr. Phil, or Men Are From Mars. If you are a man, resist trying to fix her problems during the date, and for the lifetime of that friendship. Women don't necessarily want solutions, they want someone who will listen and understand.

Make no uninvited physical advances. For that matter, make no advances if they appear wanted. You could be wrong, and even if you aren't, knocking boots in the bed of the pick-up truck starts the relationship off wrong.

Don't be afraid to ask the male for a date. Most men are open to it these days, and it indicates a woman who is confident with self-esteem. Remember dates can be meeting for lunch, or just a movie.

If the date looks like its headed to disaster, don't be afraid to end it early. In a kind manner, simply tell your date that this isn't what you're looking for, and excuse yourself.

For heavens sake don't get drunk. Unless your date is more drunk and can't tell, being looped is a disaster, and can indicate problems with alcohol or problems that you use alcohol to minimize.

Don't ask questions you wouldn't feel comfortable asking. If you're a guy, don't ask questionable questions you WOULD answer. Don't pry. Don't ask how much child support she gets.

Don't look for faults. Everyone has them. A first date is to explore generalities, so there's no need for an inquest.

Don't make snap judgments too early. Spend 10 minutes determining if there is a physical attraction and 30 minutes or longer judging emotional chemistry.

Don't discuss politics or religion on the first date. You'll know if your date is a Hari Krishna or not without asking. Besides, you'll be able to change him and convert him later (just kidding).

Resist competing with your date, if you have a signed bottle of Robert Mondavi vintage wine. One-upping the other can really irritate a date. If your visitation or child custody is a big win for you, don't compare.

Let him pick the restaurant, even if your idea is better. There's plenty of time later to explain the difference between silverware wrapped in linen and those that are not.

Don't introduce your kids on the first date, or the third for that matter. Kids are sensitive to parents dating, and confusing them with a series of dates that disappear is to be avoided. include them only if the relationship deepens and there is real promise it could be a long-term arrangement.

When you're dating in general, don't go out and try to act like you're 25 again. Attracting younger suitors may seem to open up possibilities, in the end you're best chances of long-term relationships are with people more your age.

Don't discuss your ex to any degree. Your date knows it didn't work. If you must mention that, be positive and discuss the future with what you learned lessons from.

Avoid dating someone from work, especially if it's a small office environment. In the likely chance it doesn't work out, someone will probably feel the need to relocate, and work is challenging enough without having to check the water cooler before you get a drink.

Don't keep your ex on your buddy list. There's just no point. You two disagree(d) on enough important things that keeping them in your group will likely cause friction eventually. Allow them their own circle of friends.
Never drop your friends for a guy. Think balance. You should be capable of managing relationships with both. The last thing you need is to dump your friends, end that hot love affair and have those former friends want to continue to be former friends.

Don't write your ex an letter or email telling him/her how you really feel. You did that already, and in most cases they outreach ends up being a bad idea (re-opening wounds, affections, etc.) that shouldn't be re-opened.

Don't use the toilet in front of him. Just don't. That's a marital thing.

Don't take naked pictures while dating. It can cause years of aggravation after the breakup.

Never have sex with your ex. That includes former partners. Such behavior can stir up old feelings that got over-ridden by other factors that caused you to be no longer together, and you don't need the feel good feelings resurfacing, waiting for the bad stuff again.

Don't tear down your ex to a date. If you've altered your behavior because of an ex's past behavior, mention that, but avoid crapping in the ex's back yard.

Avoid swearing or vulgar language. Most people believe cursing is the curse of the crippled conversationalist.

Ask questions of your date about topics that interest you or him/her. People love to talk about themselves.

No bragging about money or possessions. no one likes a braggart, and you want the person to like you for YOU, not what you have.

Positively no sex on the first date. Let's face it, one or both probably have gone without for awhile, but giving in can cheapen the beginning of a relationship. If it's meant to last a lifetime, there's no hurry.

Don't accept a second date unless you are certain. A second date should only be discussed once you've spent several hours together and both have a good handle on what to expect.

Resist making snap judgments. What might appear to be one way could prove to be something else. be gracious, deliberate and centered.

Turn off your cell phone. Set it to vibrate, and tell your kids to only call if there is an emergency.

Thomas Michaels is an author and contributor to Divorce Recovery Suite

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2011年3月25日 星期五

Solving the problem of abduction of children is not a piece of cake

The Way of Cake is mysterious and paradoxical. A master of the Way can make his neighbors feel they have filled themselves with tasty cake without ever cutting off a piece. The Way allows its disciple to step outside the boundaries of rational thought by partaking of cake while continuing to possess cake.

The Zen of having your cake and eating it too can sometimes seem to be a feature of the Japanese legal system. The rule of law applies, though it is sometimes hard to know what the law actually is. There is a Constitution that protects people from the government — except when the government finds this inconvenient — as well as a criminal justice system founded on the presumption of innocence, but which manages to find pretty much everyone guilty anyways (because prosecutors only ever prosecute people who are actually guilty, you see).

Yet it is in Japan's most recent responses to growing pressure to join the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction that the Way of Cake may be demonstrated in its purest form.

It has always seemed highly likely (to me, at least) that Japan will eventually submit to foreign pressure and join a treaty regime that effectively represents the international community's consensus on how cross-border child custody disputes should be decided: in the child's country of habitual residence. At the same time, it has also always seemed unlikely that signing the treaty will result in children who have been abducted to Japan by Japanese parents actually being returned to their foreign homes. The Japanese civil justice system lacks the tools to enforce a return and, probably more to the point, it is unlikely to ever be in the interests of any Japanese judge, cop or other bureaucrat to be responsible for a crying child being taken away from a weeping Japanese mother in any particular case. The rule of law is one thing, but Japanese officialdom is not short on cake aficionados.

So it has not been too surprising to read recent news reports that the government is considering signing the convention while at the same time amending its domestic laws to ensure that children are not returned if there are concerns about domestic violence. The Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) also recently issued a formal opinion that included similar recommendations, as well as suggesting that children should not be returned if it would result in the abducting parent being subject to prosecution in their home country (the U.S., Canada and other countries have criminal penalties for parental child abduction). This would mean that in addition to the civil trial procedures (which should include appeals, according to the JFBA) used to return children in Hague Convention cases, it might be necessary to negotiate nonprosecution agreements with home country authorities in some instances.

Whatever legislation is used to implement the Hague Convention, it is hard to imagine that it will not also include a catch-all "other" caveat that will provide additional excuses for nonreturn in just about any situation. Even without the provision, the domestic violence exception alone will probably be enough to ensure that Japan fulfills its duties under the convention in terms of appearances and process, without actually accomplishing any of the goals the treaty is supposed to achieve in terms of substance.

To be fair, domestic violence is an issue that some commentators assert is not dealt with adequately under the Hague Convention in its current form, and I am certainly not suggesting that it is not a problem in cross-border — or any — marriages. Yet as a matter of law and judicial process, exceptions drafted around claims of domestic violence are likely to suffer from the same evidentiary and other practical constraints the convention is intended to address in the case of child custody decisions. In both situations, factual determinations are usually best made by courts in places where school officials, social workers and other potential witnesses are likely to reside, and where other relevant evidence is likely to be located. This is the child's country of habitual residence under the Hague Convention, and logic suggests that claims of domestic violence or child abuse should also be adjudicated by courts where the conduct allegedly took place. This logic is even more compelling if the claims of violence are linked to a child custody dispute, and if the conduct in question also constitutes a criminal offense, as is often the case in many countries.

Whatever exceptions are provided for in Japanese law, as an evidentiary matter it is difficult to see how Japanese courts would decide whether to apply them except based on allegations by the Japanese victims, with the foreign "aggressor" being put in the position of having to prove a negative, over linguistic and geographical barriers. Unless Japanese courts are willing to start with a presumption that parents claiming abuse are lying (a cruel result for those actually fearing for their lives or those of their children), the safest thing for judges to do in any particular case will be to simply accept the claims at face value and grant the exception.

Japanese judges will be aided in this task by Japanese law, which defines spousal violence as including not just "bodily harm" but "words and deeds of one spouse that cause equivalent psychological or physical harm to the other" (this is from the Japanese government's translation of Article 1 of the Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims). This already broad definition is further expanded by government publications that go so far as to include "yelling" and "ignoring" as types of domestic violence. Child abuse also is defined as including "words or conduct which cause a child significant psychological harm" (my translation of the relevant portion of Article 2 of the Child Abuse Prevention Act, for which a government translation is not yet available), though even this expansive definition is apparently not broad enough to cover abduction from abroad or the parental alienation that often follows.

To the extent that marital breakup is pretty much always emotionally traumatic for everyone directly involved, the unsubstantiated Japanese media trope about all cases of child abduction to Japan involving Japanese women fleeing from violence or abuse abroad can be said to be true: It will always be possible to find some sort of "psychological harm" that can be attributed to broadly defined violence or abuse if necessary.

However the law is written, it will likely serve as a message to Japanese living abroad that so long as they have the right story when they get off the plane with the children, they do not have to worry about a Hague Convention return order. Whether their story is legitimate or not (and I am certainly not suggesting that all claims of violence are or will be fabricated) will be beside the point — lawyers and well-intentioned bureaucrats will provide advice as to how stories should be scripted to ensure that an exception applies.

What will be interesting to see is how the law and Japanese judges deal with the situation where child custody issues and allegations of domestic violence have already been dealt with in a foreign court. If the law includes provisions calling on Japanese courts to give weight to foreign proceedings (as one hopes it would), it could have the effect of actually encouraging abduction before a foreign court has a chance to deal with any of the issues. Forum-shopping (trying to have your case resolved in the most advantageous court possible) through pre-emptive abductions is of course already a common problem in international abductions, but it is one of the things that joining the Hague Convention is supposed to discourage and remedy rather than induce.

Putting all this aside, an obvious response to concerns over domestic violence and the Hague Convention is that the treaty has been around for three decades and has been signed by dozens of countries despite domestic violence being a universal problem. There is, simply put, no "uniquely Japanese" set of issues here that involves prolonged navel-gazing over issues that are incomprehensible to foreigners.

Yet another point of rebuttal is this: If fleeing to Japan is going to be allowed if it is to escape domestic violence, then it should be OK to escape from Japan with your children for the same reason. But this type of mundane logical consistency is probably incompatible with the subtle rhetorical aesthetics of the Way of Cake.

While the Hague Convention garners most of the attention in the foreign press, there are signs that Japan could be taking steps to amend its creaky family laws to provide for joint custody and postseparation parent-child contact, neither of which are provided for under current law (preservation of access rights across borders is another goal of the Hague Convention, though the same is true of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Japan has signed but essentially ignores in this respect). The last draft of one version of proposed legislation I have seen includes a prohibition on the unilateral removal of a child from their home; if this provision survives the legislative process, it might be hard to square with a law that could offer a blanket invitation to Japanese mothers to bring their children home from abroad.

Yet how domestic law change fits with the Hague Convention may not be a problem, since nothing may actually happen in the case of the former. In a recent interview (Japan Times, Feb. 3), Justice Minister Satsuki Eda questioned the need to package the adoption of a joint custody regime with signing the Hague Convention, though in the same article it was also reported that "he thinks married couples should be allowed to have separate surnames, but changing the law now would be difficult." That certain sectors of the Japanese polity are still grappling with the staggering complexities of women keeping their maiden names after marriage (and not even touching the seemingly unconstitutional prohibition on remarriage within six months of divorce that only applies to women) might be a good benchmark for how low expectations should be set regarding changes in domestic family law.

Then again, what a particular minister of justice says about anything may not be an indicator of very much in the first place. Since January 2001, 13 different people have filled the position, a one-year term ending in August or September being the most common pattern of tenure. Past ministers — past prime ministers, even — have voiced views on the Hague Convention and other aspects of family law, yet nothing much seems to happen. In 2010, then Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama expressed a willingness to sign the Hague Convention early in 2010, and during her term at the top of the Justice Ministry pyramid, Keiko Chiba's accomplishment was supposedly to have been resolving the marital name issue, yet the status quo continues on both fronts.

Democracy is a slow business, full of messy compromise, of course, yet when it comes to issues that matter to families and children, one is often left wondering who — if anyone — is actually in charge. Cake, anyone?

View the original article here

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2011年3月24日 星期四

Dogwood Floral Single Switch Plate Cover Aluminum Hand made in the USA

Dogwood Floral Single Switch Plate Cover Aluminum Hand made in the USASpruce up the ordinary light switch with this floral light switch cover featuring the Dogwood flower. Standing the test of time, our Dogwood design continues to thrill as a gift for the milestone events of life. First introduced over 60 years ago and continually updated over the years, the Dogwood Switch Plate Cover reflects enduring elegance and sophistication.

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The design was painstakingly hand engraved by master die engravers into steel and then hand hammered in pure aluminum by great American craftsmen.

Price: $24.00

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Family Law Secrets Revealed

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2011年3月23日 星期三

Child custody dispute-are you a child custody dispute that stress you out?

Child custody disputes are more often than not, most difficult of all divorce. This is simply because the links between a parent and their children are typically much stronger than bond with a spouse. As a result, child custody disputes are the most difficult and emotionally wrenching conflicts that families face. Child custody dispute is further complicated by the development of snatching the baby and takes them across the State. Despite federal laws that exist to reduce this parental kidnapping, it is a much bigger problem than was originally projected.

Child custody disputes are never easy or easy to resolve and it is important to have guidance, support and defence of an experienced family law attorney. In some jurisdictions child custody disputes are automatically sent to mediation and custody and visitation issues are prepared in the best interests of the child and the parents ' shared concern.

There is no doubt that child custody disputes are difficult for all parties concerned, and this is not meant not only emotionally, but economically as well. Child custody disputes are the most labor-intensive, and therefore extremely costly, and a retainer of $ 2,500 or more are not uncommon. Even for a divorce where there are no custody fight, you can expect a retainer of at least $ 750.

Divorce is almost always grossly on parents, but it is especially difficult when children are involved. Issues of custody and parenting plans really can create anxiety and stress for all concerned, and decisions that can have far-reaching consequences. A major problem is when the parent with custody children wishing to leave the city where the other parent is resident. Sometimes move is just a few kilometres, and does not cause unnecessary suffering, but more problems arise when a parent want to leave the State or even country to start a new life. The remaining parent has considerable expense if they want to see her child. The reason for the move, may be a new job, is completely valid.

The courts may grant joint custody in cases where both parents can carry out its tasks properly as parents. Court filings quickly fill with accusations by one parent against the other, and these often contain sexual, physical and emotional abuse, brain-washing, exclusion of a parent of the other, sabotage and tampering. Although it may seem that all child custody battles are so here, in fact, we must remember that it is only the most sensational cases that we hear about on the news and online. Therefore, we have to realise that only the difficult custody battles get published. Courts in some countries pay tribute to the US custody decrees, but for the most part, the result is unpredictable. The United States Government has no way to force a foreign country to honor any American Court decision governing the custody or visitation rights.

Child custody can be a very difficult situation, and you need all the help you can get. A source that I recommend is Single Mom strategies, where you will get a lot of information that will help you to carefully prepare your custody case in an orderly manner, and support is there for you, too. Al Jackson was a teacher and saw first hand the negative impact of difficult divorce and child custody battles on children in their classrooms.

Precious Moments Resin Rotating Musical Figurine, Girl Holding Snowflake

Precious Moments Resin Rotating Musical Figurine, Girl Holding SnowflakeFeeling the exhilaration of the season's first snowfall, this young girl catches a snowflake and dances with joy. This resin musical revolves as it plays "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" Measures 5.25 inches high.

Price: $35.00

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2011年3月22日 星期二

Police Officer Print 3 Layer Afghan Throw Blanket 50" x 70"

Police Officer Print 3 Layer Afghan Throw Blanket 50
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Approximate measurements: 50" x 70"
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The Birdcage

The BirdcageBIRDCAGE - DVD Movie

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2011年3月21日 星期一

Domestic violence and child custody-legal psychiatric cheats divorce lawyers

In the event of divorce and domestic violence, the Court, the children often serve as the vehicle for the offender to save face and stay in control of the family. Sound familiar?

If you are in the family court with an abusive partner or abusive ex-partners and children are involved, you will want to know what this article displays. This is how your child can be operated in order to implement a perpetrator agenda in family court.

If the Foundation is to retain control of the family

Let us say, the offender is determined that he would ask the Court for sole custody of your minor children that he has abused, either directly or indirectly. In many cases, this so-called asking even if the offender is not a candidate for safekeeping.

Now that the submission is in court, and usually for a long time (years), is bluntly on although a so-called custody battle is not taking place technical.

What is going on is a mission to create a scenario to determine that the offender (whether or not a candidate for the safe custody of the law) is actually a right person for safekeeping, because:

(a)) parent is the only parent left

(b)), the other parent is insane or a felon

(c)) this parent is a victim of parental alienation syndrome

... or a combination of the above.

Most typically, we counsel whose purpose is to determine the elements b and c in combination, this makes for a more comprehensive case. And Furthermore, this strategy is often a good first step to perform a perpetrator mission to eliminate the protective parent from their children's lives.

Crazing that make legal psychiatric cheats

Now, if after psychiatric evaluations, there is no evidence that the mother (gender usually in this situation) is "crazy" because the evaluating psychiatrist can not or will not find any psychiatric pathology, then the rush is on to find or create-"craziness" of children.

This strategy is that if we cannot demonstrate that the mother is crazy, we should establish that the children are insane or going crazy with her hand. This is how children become the victims of a users use of the Court to verify and better odds their victims.

Now make children crazy can take days, months or years. And if there are two or more children involved, more than one child psychologically unstable makes for even stronger cases, even if you are the recognised psychological parent for your children.

If you have witnessed this judicial psychiatric cheats in your divorce or a glimpse of it, learn how to block it and protect your child and yourself before cheats spirals control.

For more information about domestic violence, divorce and child custody are Legal domestic abuse. Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.d. helps people around the world recognize, quit, and heal from domestic abuse at home and in the Court. 2008 Jeanne King, Ph.d.

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2011年3月20日 星期日

Charlie and Brooke conclude an agreement on custody of children

Charlie sheen and Brooke mueller finally reached an agreement on the custody of their twins... and, therefore, will be in Court tomorrow morning ... TMZ has learned.


Their lawyers tell TMZ, "Brooke and Charlie have an agreement to resolve their differences." For the benefit of children, their agreement will not be disclosed. They ask the public for the protection of personal information on this issue. ?

As TMZ first, Charlie and Brooke also struck an agreement a week ago ... but it supported when Charlie tweeted words of the agreement.

Since then they have been heated negotiations... and a confrontation was scheduled for court Friday morning - but we are going to said which is now cancelled.

History of development...

Tags: Charlie Sheen, Brooke Mueller, Celebrity Justice

View the original article here

Quicken WillMaker Plus 2011 [Download]

Quicken WillMaker Plus 2011 [Download]"Make a legal will, health care directive and other documents that protect your family and property.

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  • 2011年3月19日 星期六

    Erin Brockovich

    Erin BrockovichMuch will be made of Julia Roberts's wardrobe in Erin Brockovich--a brash parade of daring hemlines and Wonderbra confidence. Roberts is unabashedly sexy in the title role of this fact-based comedy-drama, but she and director Steven Soderbergh are far too intelligent to rely solely on high heels and cleavage. Susannah Grant's brassy screenplay fuels this winning combination of star, director, and material, firing on all pistons with maximum efficiency. With Ed Lachman, his noted cinematographer from The Limey, Soderbergh tackles this A-list project with the fervor of an independent, combining a no-frills look with kinetic panache and the same brisk editorial style he used in the justly celebrated Out of Sight.

    Broke and desperate, the twice-divorced single mom Erin bosses her way into a clerical job with attorney Ed Masry (Albert Finney), who's indebted to Erin after failing to win her traffic-injury case. Erin is soon focused on suspicious connections between a mighty power company, its abuse of toxic chromium, and the poisoned water supply of Hinkley, California, where locals have suffered a legacy of death and disease. Matching the dramatic potency of Norma Rae and Silkwood, Erin Brockovich filters cold facts through warm humanity, especially in Erin's rapport with dying victims and her relationship with George (superbly played by Aaron Eckhart), a Harley-riding neighbor who offers more devotion than Erin's ever known. Surely some of these details have been embellished for dramatic effect, but the factual basis of Erin Brockovich adds a boost of satisfaction, proving that greed, neglect, and corporate arrogance are no match against a passionate crusader. (Trivia note: The real Erin Brockovich appears briefly as a diner waitress.) --Jeff Shannon

    Price: $12.98

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    2011年3月18日 星期五

    New Alpha Video Hit The Saddle/Call Of The Mesquiteers Compatible With Dvd Movie

    New Alpha Video Hit The Saddle/Call Of The Mesquiteers Compatible With Dvd MovieSheriff Miller is killed by McGowan's rampaging horse and Tucson Smith is appointed as the new Sheriff. Stony Brooke divides his attentions between the beautiful cantina singer, Rita (Rita Hayworth) and proving the horse's innocence. The Mesquiteers must discover the truth to foil McGowan's evil plot.Although there were more than two dozen films featuring the Three Mesquiteers, Hit the Saddle stands out among aficionados, due in part to the presence of young Rita Cansino - just months before signing with Columbia Pictures and changing her name to Hayworth. Additionally, the fight between the pinto and McGowan's imposter horse, was originally filmed a decade earlier for Devil Horse (1926) and has become one of the most re-used stock scenes in western films. Call of the Mesquiteers (1938; B&W): Held at gun point, the Three Mesquiteers are forced to aid the getaway of a group of murderous train robbers. Responding to the killing and looting on the Desert Express, police pursue the criminals and their hostages. A bloody shoot-out ensues, leaving the thieves dead and the Mesquiteers in possession of the stolen bounty. With no way to prove their innocence, the three hapless heroes make a daring escape. Hunted by both the law and an angry lynch mob, the Mesquiteers must stay on the run as they fight to clear their names. Starring: Bob Livingston, Max Terhune & Ray CorriganDirected by: Mack V. Wright & John English DVD Details: Run Time: 102 minutesNumber of Discs: 1Black & WhiteNo region encoding; For global distribution.

    Price: $18.93

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    Pete Wentz goes to court for custody of child with Ashlee Simpson

    LOS ANGELES - Rocker Pete Wentz wants to share the custody of the child to be soon ex-wife Ashlee Simpson and filed its own petition for divorce to prevent it from primary custody of the tot, TMZ reported Tuesday.

    Simpson, 26, filed for divorce from Wentz in February after two years of marriage. In his petition for divorce was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, she asked the primary physical custody of their two-year-old Bronx son, and she also wanted Wentz to cover its legal bills.

    The sister of singer Jessica Simpson cited "irreconcilable" as the cause for the split.

    Musicians Pete Wentz, Ashlee Simpson and their son Bronx Mowgli Wentz Musicians Pete Wentz, Ashlee Simpson and their son, Bronx Mowgli Wentz

    In the petition for divorce of Wentz, filed late Monday in Los Angeles, it asked that each party foot their own legal bills and replicated application for Simpson seeking physical and legal custody joint of the boy.

    Simpson and the former bassist of Fall Out Boy, 31, have been spotted together since announcing their surprise split on February 9 and apparently retained friendly things.

    "After careful consideration, we made the difficult decision to file for divorce," the couple said in a statement.

    "We remain friends and parents deeply loving and committed to our son Bronx, happiness and well-being is our number one priority." "We ask that everyone honoring our privacy that navigate us this next phase of our life," added the statement.

    Fantasy FootballBrooklyn high school girl attacked with acid classmate: cops Manhattan scammer gets huge 20 years of life LAPD capture "old" weapon and bullets of Charlie Sheen LT House: $ bit of refusal to the trainer of the sick to testify child spoke loudly against the obligations

    View the original article here

    2011年3月17日 星期四

    Intex Queen Supreme Comfort-Top Ultra Deluxe Airbed Guest Mattress w/ Remote Built-in Pump

    Intex Queen Supreme Comfort-Top Ultra Deluxe Airbed Guest Mattress w/ Remote Built-in PumpHere's an airbed that is sure to impress your most important guests. Intex's new Comfort-Top Airbed. This raised bed combines comfort, convenience and great looks into one luxurious airbed with its unique quilted sleeping surface for comfort and contoured bottomfor extra stability. Great for guests - but you might just want to keep it for yourself! Color: Brown Quality tested 21.2 gauge (0.53mm) waterproof super soft flocked top with 15 gauge (0.38mm) side & bottom, raised approximately 20" (50cm) from the floor for convenience. Inflatable products can and do vary in size. Bottom of bed is contoured to provide extra gripping to increase stability. Inflates with built in wired remote electric inflation pump in about 3~4 minutes. Remote can add & gradually reduce air wjile you are in bed for the firmness level that works. Dual fast deflate port quickly deflates for travel and storage Includes deluxe duffel bag with shoulder strap Weight capacity: 600 lbs. (273kg) Wired remote AC Built-in fast fill electric pump for home use


    Click here to buy from Amazon

    In the best interests of children is often lost in custody disputes

    Children need stability; we all do. When there is an ongoing fight over child access or child custody and visitation as it is more commonly known, it is important to realize that the term "stability", in the context of fighting over the division of parental time, is an oxymoron. Particularly, if there is no agreed upon visitation schedule. For example, in some cases one parent may disingenuously stress that access to the other parent must be limited for the sake of the stability of the children. However, when there is an ongoing power struggle to maximize or minimize one parent's time over the other, the lives of the children are anything but "stable".

    Children adapt. The world is busy. Life is hectic. The theories or justifications of years past, the "traditional visitation schedule" if you will, that subscribed to the notion that children need to only regard one parent's house as "home" and that they must sleep in the same bed every night, is far less important than often proclaimed. These days, many experts suggest that a rigid "every other weekend and one or two nights a week for dinner" visitation schedule is the minimum recommended arrangement. For many separated or divorced parents, this arrangement may simply not be optimal.

    Having parented on a court-ordered, equal-time-sharing schedule, for over a decade, I can attest to the fact that a 50-50 parent split schedule, is far more workable than one might imagine. While it is not presumed that a 50-50 parent split schedule is best for all children in all situations, it seems like a fair place to start. Furthermore, I have found that if parents truly strive to act in accordance with their children's best interest, and if each parent operates from this position of theoretical and practical equality, it is far more likely that one parent will voluntarily, if, when, and as needed, willingly make the sacrifice of diminished time if it is truly beneficial to their children.

    If Dad, for example, has been treated as an equal parenting partner, and not as a weekend visitor, there is a greater likelihood that he will go along with future modifications to a schedule if the children's needs or routines suggest a change is appropriate. Once the power struggle for control and the claim for the overwhelming majority of time are abandoned, a set visitation schedule simply will not be as important when compared to what may genuinely be in the children's best interests.

    If the division of time is not mutually satisfactory, or if it is not otherwise possible to arrange a basic schedule, a court ordered schedule will ultimately be forced upon already hostile parents. In such situations, any written document or court order must leave nothing open to interpretation. Your life must then be rearranged to fit into the court-mandated child visitation schedule. However, this is far easier and far less damaging to the children than the constant tug of war that often will occur in parental skirmishes. Simply left to the interpretation of loosely worded court orders, some parents will often actively fail to rearrange or modify scheduled activities and time frames leaving the other parent with less time than mandated thereby continuing the struggle for the children's time and loyalties.

    When it comes to where children of separated and divorced parents live, how much time they should spend with each parent, and all the related things that come with parenting, what is really in the children's best interests? How should these important issues be decided? Is it ever in the children's best interest to have a stranger in a black robe sitting behind the desk in the courtroom decide such important matters? Shouldn't these issues be decided by the parents who want to put their children first?

    When it comes to deciding cases involving children, acting in the best interest of each child is the guiding principle. It has been said that the "best interest standard" really comes down to a judge's "best guess" as to what is optimal for children in a particular case. Who is the judge and why he or she is the best person to make this decision for you and your children is another story for another day.

    Parents in conflict will quickly learn the court lingo when it comes to child custody disputes. Everything that either party does is somehow, someway, supposedly linked to, and directly in pursuit of, what are the "best interests" of the children. The "end justifying the means" often becomes the rationale for parents in moderate- to high-conflict cases. High-conflict custody cases often generate a myriad of false allegations and accusations. If the overall goal is to "win" custody, then does it matter if Dad, for example, is falsely accused of inappropriate conduct with his child?

    If Mom is recklessly exaggerating or outright fabricating statements, as long as they are only in an effort to make Dad "look bad" so that he will not get custody, is there any real harm done if that accomplishes what Mom knows is really in her children's best interest? Probably not - well at least not in the eyes of a selfishly blinded parent caught in a war of emotion. The sad reality is that in the majority of cases such as these, each parent tries to look his or her best by making the other parent look incompetent or unstable.

    The run of the mill "we produced a child and now we hate each other" type of case is a mud-slinging contest with the echoing of the words, "it's in the best interest of the children." In the classic script of course, the man is always abusive, threatening, and intimidating and should only have only supervised visitation to protect the safety of the children. The mother is often referred to as promiscuous and is accused of being inattentive to the physical or emotional needs of the children while also allegedly engaging in a scheme to alienate the children from the father and his family.

    The "best interest of the child standard" is not supposed to be a test on good parent vs. bad parent decision-making. However, although some state courts may characterize the criteria and terminology differently, the gist of the court's reasoning in deciding who gets the "prize" of residential custody is to evaluate certain factors. The court examines these factors and weighs the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative environments in deciding who the children get to live with. The criteria for judicial determination include:

    Fitness of the parents  Character and reputation of the parties  Desire of the natural parents and agreements between the parties  Potentiality of maintaining natural family relations  Preference of the children  Material opportunities affecting the future of the children  Age, health, and sex of the children  Residences of parents and opportunity for visitation  Length of separation from the natural parents  Prior voluntary abandonment or surrender of the child or children

    At the conclusion of all the trial testimony, a judge, a complete stranger to you and your children, will say that he or she has examined the totality of the situation in light of these factors. He or she will say that the court has considered all the factors and that the decision was reached without specifically focusing on any one factor in and of itself. As far as all the possible lies that the court will have heard as testimony, expect that from the bench you will hear something like, "I have had an opportunity to observe the witnesses and assess their credibility and demeanor throughout these proceedings. While I do have some credibility concerns, I believe that it is in little Johnny's best interest to remain in the care and custody of his mother/father (pick one)." Often, when the "best interest" jargon is broken down, there are far more questions than answers.

    For example: In child custody litigation, the court, in applying these factors, is called upon to consider the desire of the natural parents and agreements between the parties. Well, let's see. They are both fighting for custody of their children. They are willing to spend the equivalent of their children's college education on attorney's fees and litigation expenses. They are willing to air out all their "dirty laundry" in public. Does the one who will stop at nothing to win have the most desire? Does he/she really want the children to live with him/her, or is he/she just trying to punish the other for ending the relationship? Is it a little of both? Does it really matter what the motive is as long as the "best interests of the children" are served?

    Hopefully, the judge will award primary custody to the parent who will allow the children to grow up with a mother and a father both actively involved in their children's lives. Often, that does not happen and the children pay the price. If you do not settle your child access issues following a separation or divorce, you will ultimately turn your children's fate over to a virtual stranger - a judge, at a later date.

    When it comes to following the law, judges perhaps have the most discretion in the area of child custody disputes. In practice, they apply facts - or at least "facts" as they appear to them. They decide what the facts are and they decide how to best remedy whatever facts they deem in need of judicial intervention. The rules of law give them great latitude when it comes to determining what they believe to be in the children's best interests. Ultimately, they make the major decisions pertaining to each family law case. They, not you, get to decide how things will be. Such discretion may or may not be a good thing, depending on who is doing the judging and why. In short, you, both as parents, need to grow up and work out an equitable custody agreement, your children will thank you one day.

    Mike Mastracci is a nationally recognized family law attorney and mediator with over 20 years of professional experience. He is the author of the newly released and highly praised book, Stop Fighting Over the Kids: Resolving Day-to-Day Custody Conflict in Divorce Situations. In addition to his legal, collaborative and mediation skills, Mastracci brings much more to the table: with an insightful, kind and helpful approach, he shares his personal child custody issues and challenges to better serve you in solving your legal, practical, parental and situational problems. To learn more about his unique style of persuasion, go to

    2011年3月16日 星期三

    TV Guide: 50 All-Time Favorite TV Themes

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    Girl, 8, reports abduction of Indianapolis South side

    Indianapolis-Metro Police searches a report of child abduction and abuse on the South side of Indianapolis. What happened between 6: 15 and 7: 00 pm Monday near Madison Avenue and Shelby Street.

    According to the report of the police, a girl of eight-year-old told her mother that a man forced his car, drove to a wooded area and forced to take off clothing.

    The girl reported that the man took photos of and touched her inappropriately. Then atistoichoyn of approximately three blocks north of the Department of complex, and ran home.

    "They are standing right above where is the Green utility box. They were right when they approached, "said a friend of the family.

    The woman says daughter played the victim moments before the kidnapping.

    "I am grateful just came back, but that fears expressed the crap from me, knowing that if I had my son later sent out there for downloading, you may also receive," said the friend. "Nine times out of ten, typically, do not bring them back. We are so lucky that he did bring back. "

    The episode was reported of child abuse section IMPD.

    The suspect is described as a white male with gray hair and a grey mustache. He was wearing a long black coat and driving a smaller silver four-door saloon and possibly a Toyota.

    Police believe the suspect may have committed the Act before.

    "It is very unusual to have someone who is involved in this type of crime and this is their first time out," said IMPD Paul Thompson.

    Officers have stepped up patrols in the region and at least two men have stopped to ask for identification. Partition managers is posting warning signs for parents with composite doors, reminding them to care for their children.

    Parents plan to walk their children to the bus Wednesday morning as an extra precaution.

    "My children are not going to go out again if there is an adult, bottom line," said a friend of the family.

    View the original article here

    2011年3月15日 星期二

    Minute To Win It Board Game [FAMILY GAME]

    Minute To Win It Board Game [FAMILY GAME]Bring the hit game show home and experience the excitement of beating the clock like never before. Order it today and see if you only need a Minute to Win It


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    The UN children

    A report by the UN Committee on the rights of the child has visited the British Government for the international standards batipol of children. A number of critical areas-from the children of the rights of children, from young applicants of the right of children to privacy-Government failed to meet its obligations under international law.

    In the evening ?????? Bomford has a report in one area can be selected for a particular concern is the numbers of young offenders reported. More than five times more than 10-14 years are imprisoned now than Milner before twelve years and England and Wales now has the worst record in Europe. But bucking the trend is one area that went from Sunderland of the highest percentages of custody to between low-mainly through a series of innovative schemes for young offenders. In these two young criminals are to be controlled on a drawing, designing the plan which they refurbish the abandoned house, now used by a community drug families.


    We can't show you the faces, but you can hear opinions from other young criminals in the PM in the evening.

    View the original article here

    2011年3月14日 星期一


    LUVS FAMILY PACK SIZE 3 (16-28 POUNDS) DIAPERS 96 countLuvs baby diapers help stop leaks for less than the pricier brands. For great leak protection, it's time for Luvs! Bear Hug Stretch premium elastic sides stretch to fit.


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    Child Custody Evaluation and Mediation Preparation

    This handbook was designed to prepare you quickly and effectively for Family Court Services (fcs), child custody mediation, and/or child custody evaluations. This valuable information will help secure the best possible future for you and your children.

    Check it out!

    2011年3月13日 星期日

    Another Fine Product of a Dysfunctional Family Women's Tee Shirt in 6 Colors Small thru XXL

    Another Fine Product of a Dysfunctional Family Women's Tee Shirt in 6 Colors Small thru XXLPick from the petite form-fitting babydoll style or standard regular fit womens style. Please refer to our sizing chart for measurements.This design also available as a men's Tee shirt, and a men's hoodie and sweat shirt in our other listings.


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    Television's Greatest Hits, Vol. 3: 70s & 80s

    Television's Greatest Hits, Vol. 3: 70s & 80sNo Description Available
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    Price: $21.98

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    2011年3月12日 星期六

    Mayor's security fears of abduction

    MANILA, Philippines-Valenzuela Mayor Sherwin Gatchalian appealed Thursday for calm among the inhabitants of amid rumours that a trade union abducting children and remove their internal organs are active in the city.

    The appeal was made after rumors spread that he was kidnapped in Barangay Gen. t. de Leon and later founded without internal organs of a child.

    "At least, the story was ridiculous and defied common sense," a rank of police investigator said.

    Already, a man was arrested by police for allegedly spreading rumours of abduction.

    The Mayor of the city said there is no truth to the rumor mongers and warned they would deal with rumours that accordingly.

    The rumors said a syndicate who abducts children and sell them to their internal organs for medical purposes.

    However, the police, said that reports of abduction reported in the city. (Willie L. Catapat)

    View the original article here

    Quicken WillMaker Premium 2010

    Quicken WillMaker Premium 2010

    Quicken WillMaker Premium 2010 combines America's top estate-planning software with 10 important estate-planning, family, and retirement resources so you can protect your family and assets, and save on legal fees.

    Quicken WillMaker Premium 2010 provides the legal forms required to create an effective estate plan. Just launch the software, follow a simple, guided, step-by-step interview, and in 30 minutes or less you can create the following documents, customized to suit your unique circumstances and reflect the laws of your state*:

    • Legal Will
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    You'll also get dozens of helpful, everyday personal-finance forms and home-and-family documents, such as child, elder, and pet-care agreements and authorizations for minor's medical treatment and foreign travel.

    Free legal updates keep your documents current through 2010.

    And if you get stuck along the way, the program's comprehensive yet plain-English online legal manual is just a click away.

    Bonus! WillMaker Premium includes two audio CDs:

    • Stopping Identity Theft: from shopping safely--online and off--to avoiding the latest thieving techniques like phishing and skimming, this one-hour audio sampler offers simple, action-oriented advice for safeguarding your personal information.
    • The Busy Family's Guide to Money: whether in need of a realistic budget or seeking to simplify investments, this one-hour audio sampler cuts to the chase, delivering practical and fast solutions to the most pressing financial issues your family faces.

    Included! Bonus software lets you create your own valid, living trust, tailored to the laws of your state. Make a living trust and spare your family the hassle and expense of probate.

    Plus: Nolo understands that protection and planning reach beyond the scope of the estate plan, so Quicken WillMaker Premium 2010 provides 10 additional estate-planning, retirement, finance, and family-care resources to keep you and your loved ones covered:

    1. Make Your Own Living Trust (eBook)
      When you create a living trust your property bypasses lengthy probate proceedings and goes directly to the people you've designated. This eBook shows you how to create various living trusts, transfer assets to your trust, including real estate, name beneficiaries for all trust property, and much more.
    2. The Executor's Guide (eBook)
      A Nolo bestseller, The Executor's Guide provides the legal and practical information you need at a difficult time so you can get organized and get the job done. Find out how to make sense of a will, claim life insurance, Social Security and other benefits, deal with family members, and work with professionals.
    3. Plan Your Estate (eBook)
      Plan Your Estate untangles the complexities of estate planning, covering everything from basic wills to sophisticated tax strategies. It explains wills, how to leave property to children, and much more.
    4. IRAs, 401(k)s & Other Retirement Plans (eBook)
      This eBook is your guide to making sense of all of the common retirement plans and government distribution rules. You'll learn when to take out your money, what the penalties are for taking early distribution (and how to reduce or avoid them), and much more.
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      With Easy Ways to Lower Your Taxes, you'll discover legitimate tactics and useful insights that will lower your tax bill without running you afoul with the IRS. Find out how to get a lower tax rate, boost your tax-free income, take advantage of exemptions, and identify and use credits.
    6. Estate Planning for Blended Families (eBook)
      Find out how to provide for your spouse as well as children from both your previous and current marriage. This eBook shows you how to discuss matters with your spouse, plan for all children involved, deal with estate and gift taxes in a second marriage, and more.
    7. Long-Term Care (eBook)
      Arranging long-term care for yourself or a loved one can leave you feeling isolated and overwhelmed with difficult decisions. This eBook will help you understand all of your options so you can find the best care you can afford. You'll learn how to evaluate long-term care insurance, arrange home care, explore options beyond nursing homes, and much more.
    8. Nolo's Crash Course in Estate Planning Basics (audio)
      Presented in a friendly audio format, this two-CD package provides concrete information and answers from Nolo's expert estate-planning attorneys. It covers the principles of estate planning, including the difference between a will and a living trust, medical directives and powers of attorney, how best to leave money to children, and keep your estate plan current.
    9. 101 Law Forms for Personal Use (eBook)
      Register your copy of WillMaker Premium 2010 and download a free copy of 101 Law Forms for Personal Use. This eBook includes a comprehensive selection of legally enforceable forms that cover common daily transactions, including bills of sale for buying and selling personal property, promissory notes for lending and borrowing money, contracts for home repair and remodeling, and many more.
    10. Your Little Legal Companion (book, paperback)
      Whether it's your first day on the job or your child's first day of school, Your Little Legal Companion is there with quick, practical, friendly, and even entertaining advice. Written by Nolo's expert legal editors, keep this book on your shelf or in your glove box!
    *Estate-planning documents not valid in Louisiana.

    Price: $89.99

    Click here to buy from Amazon

    2011年3月11日 星期五

    Child custody guidelines-what the courts really cares?

    Child custody guidelines vary from country to country, but the laws are the same. All family courts in the country is based around the idea of doing what is in the child's interest.

    Also their decisions the courts weigh very heavily on what has happened in the past. They are very reluctant to drastically change or interfere with the child's routine. Keep this in mind when deciding what happens after separation. Each choice that you make to a precedent to continue in the future.

    The courts also base their child custody guidelines on both parents ' rights. This means that the courts recognize the importance of having both parents as an active part of their child's life. This means that they take very seriously by a parent tries to alienate or talk bad about the other parent to the child.

    Most family courts now require that parents go through mediation first, to try to resolve their cases. By doing it this way, parents can produce quite a lot of parenting agreements that suits them, provided that it is not detrimental to the child.

    Even in cases where you manage a vengeful former, this often can go to get the best parenting agreements for all. When you come to the Court, you will lose all control over how your agreement looks like.

    That is why it is very important that you discuss child custody guidelines in the State with your lawyer, and see how your judges normally rules when you get to court. You must have this information when negotiating with your example, there is need to argue for something that the judge will give you anyway.

    Do you want to get more info about child custody guidelines?

    To get the 9 essential strategies to win child custody when it deals with an irrational, vindictive or abusive ex , click here:

    Custody case "Baby Vanessa" resumes today

    DAYTON - The process under which 2 year old Vanessa Doss was placed in an adoptive home in California private came under review Monday on the first day of the "Baby Vanessa" custody hearing.

    Solicitors for the biological father, Benjamin Mills Jr., argued that the baby was removed, in California, shortly after his birth in violation of the right of the Ohio.

    Lead counsel that legal aid of Western Ohio Inc. Elizabeth Gorman said that the procedure has not been followed pursuant to Interstate Compact the Ohio on the Placement of children law, which governs the adoption of children in other States.

    Mills is seeking custody of the child, which was raised by Stacey Doss of California since birth. Mills mother, Rena Jordan of Middletown, raises two elderly sisters Vanessa and also seeks custody at the hearing before Montgomery County juvenile court judge Nick Kuntz, is expected to last throughout the week.

    Most of the testimony Monday focused on the birth mother, Andrea Conley.

    Maintain focus on Conley drew protests from Montgomery County Prosecutor Mathias Heck, that represents the child for children Services. Conley does not seek custody, Heck noted: "It is not his actions but the inaction of Mr. Mills that have brought us here."

    Mills stood up and began to respond, but has been reduced to silence by Mia Wortham-sorts, one of the counsel of the Jordan. "Stop," Wortham-spells said on several occasions when Mills attempted to express themselves. It assigns worries Mills explosions for her mother and the emotional toll of the situation. Noting the national publicity surrounding Doss, said Wortham-spells, "the other side of the story did not say."

    Donna Merrill, a supervisor with Montgomery County Children Services, was on the stand of almost the entire day, questioned the role of the Agency in the placement of the child.

    Merrill, said she learned of the plan adopted when she visited Conley, on 16 June 2008, at Miami Valley Hospital, three days after the birth of the baby.

    Mills filed a petition for custody on July 3, 2008, less than three weeks after the birth of Vanessa. Merrill testified that one of its agents initially asked Jordan if she would be interested in guardianship. Merrill testified about a report in November 2008, who stated that the "parents were not connected with the baby that she is out of their care and visits are not taking place." Gorman argued that the actions of children Services prevent binding Mills with his daughter.

    Gorman, said that it expected to testify for seven or eight.

    View the original article here