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2011年5月21日 星期六

Alien Abductions Stopped by the Name of Jesus

Nobel prize-winning biochemist, Francis Crick, calculated the probability of a living cell forming by accident from nonliving chemicals and found the likelihood to be less than 1 in 10 to the 40,000th power. (That's a 10 with 40,000 zeroes after it!) To put that in perspective consider that the number of atoms in the known universe is only 10 to the 130th power!

What is the likelihood of finding the right atom out of all the atoms in the universe even if you picked out one atom every second for ten billion years? Life forming by chance is far less likely than that. Francis Crick didn't fall on his knees and say "there must be a God!" Instead he said that aliens (extra-terrestrials) from outer space brought life to earth.

This brings us to the question of aliens, UFOs and alien abductions. In recent years many people have come forward and said they woke up one morning with the distinct memory of being abducted by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft. This usually happens with people who are involved in the occult or are into "New Age" belief systems. "New Age" can be defined as a westernized form of Hinduism.

Some of the "abductees" who didn't start out as New Agers to tend to adopt New Age beliefs because of the messages received from the aliens they encounter. It is the opinion of many researchers that UFO "abductions" are nothing more than demon inspired dreams and demonic encounters intended to deceive people into New Age beliefs.

Joe Jordan attended church as a child but adopted New Age beliefs through involvement with New Age literature. Joe repented and became a Christian after a Christian friend challenged him to read the Bible. He now works to expose the UFO hoax. Some time after his conversion Joe encountered the case of a man who claimed to have halted his abduction experience.

The abduction was stopped when the man called on the name of Jesus. Through further investigation Joe Jordan and a colleague discovered about 100 instances of UFO "abductions" stopped by the name of Jesus. (see "Charisma" magazine April 2001 issue p. 46) This is empirical evidence that the name of Jesus Christ is the name before which every knee must bow to the glory of God the Father!

When a Christian confronts a demon and speaks to the demon and commands it to stop in the name of Jesus, the demon will stop the abduction.

For a biblical example of the power of the name of Jesus we can read of the instance when Paul, the apostle, cast a demon out of a girl. "Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour (Acts 16:18).

If UFO abductions are mere illusions perpetrated by demons it is no wonder that they are halted by exercising spiritual authority through the name of Jesus.

"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ..." Philippians 2:10

Bill Nugent has written many articles on Christianity, philosophy and science. He has also written books that give Bible based teaching on sanctification and that caution against the error of legalism. His books are available at his website

