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2011年5月17日 星期二

How to Protect Your Child From Abduction

Can you think of anything that is more important to you than the safety and protection of your children?

Probably not. As parents, we need to take all the steps we possibly can to provide our children all the protection we can. In only a moment, a child can be lost forever. There are steps you can take to increase the safety of your child, and there is a powerful and amazing modern Global Positioning System (GPS) technology available from AMBER ALERT GPS LLC that can help keep your child safe all the time.

*** The 4 BIGGEST ERRORS Parents Make That Put Their Children at Risk ***

These errors only increase the risk of abduction of children.

Four Child Protection Errors:

1.) Parents don't allow their children to scream.

Usually, parents teach their children to be quiet and not to cause a commotion in public. We don't want our children to misbehave and disrupt others nearby.

A child's scream is his or her first line of defense. If a predator is trying to abduct or harm your child, a good, loud, fearful scream from your child can stop the criminal dead in his tracks. Even with predators, a child's scream is unnerving. Your child's fearful scream will be heard by you and other responsible adults nearby. An "I need help!" type of scream will be heard and acted on.

Teach your child that when he or she needs to, when they are afraid of a person or situation, then a good, loud, scream is allowed. Tell your child to trust his or her gut instinct and scream. Tell your child that screaming can save his or her life, practice a scream with your child that sends out the message of "HELP"!

2.) The parents are afraid to speak up.

It is a very common experience for parents to have their child disappear from sight for a few minutes. No doubt the parents themselves performed this disappearing act on their parents once, or more times. It happens.

The mistake is holding back and not asking for help. Parents must be bold in the early minutes when a child is missing.

RAISE YOUR VOICE! Approach the supermarket or shopping mall, or other location's staff and have them use their intercom system to blast out an announcement about your missing child. Ask others nearby to help find your child. Don't be shy about this, the faster you call these techniques into your service, the faster you will find your missing child. The more eyes and ears out there looking for your child, the better.

Don't be afraid of making a false alarm. Your child's safety is the only thing to worry about. Others will understand the situation.

3.) Parents just assume their children are safe in a crowd.

Your children are not safe in a crowd. In fact, a crowd is one of the prime places for a predator to prey on children. In a crowd, a criminal can approach a child and make an abduction seem as a normal activity, what with all the noise, commotion, and distraction cover that a crowd provides. A child can be kidnapped or abducted in plain sight in a crowd.

In a crowd, stay together. Keep your child with you everywhere you go. If you try on clothes at a store, then bring the child with you to the dressing room. Don't let the child wait for you in the store, and don't trust a store clerk to be able to watch over your child for you. Go with your child to the bathroom, regardless of gender. Find a restroom where you can be alone with your child. This may not be easy, but being familiar with the places you shop or frequent can make this easier. Scout ahead and be prepared.

4.) Parents who are afraid to advertise that their children are protected.

Just as you may have "Beware of Dog" or "Security Alarm" signs or stickers on your property to warn people of a dog, or to let crooks know you have a security service monitoring your home, so should you advertise your child too is protected. Even if your "Security Alarm" sign is a fake, it still can scare off intruders because it's easier for them to move on to property where the security is definitely not present, rather than risk being caught at your property.

Russell Thornton of Amber Alert GPS LLC explains: "When Amber Alert GPS LLC was founded, we received comments to the effect that predators will simply find the GPS device and remove it after the abduction. We were told that we should hide the fact that our child has such a device on their person. We've put a lot of thought and research into this. That is why we take the "BEWARE OF BIG, MEAN, HIGH TECH DOG" sign approach. Although the GPS device is small and has no logo on it, we encourage parents to display an Amber Alert GPS sticker on their backpacks, notebooks etc. We want all predators to feel the potential risk - perceived or real. Knowing that the child can be tracked and is being monitored at all times will spoil many such attempts."

You can find security alarm stickers at stores (Radio Shack has carried them), buy some and display them on your home and property. Whether true or false, they can ward off intruders.

You can use the Amber Alert GPS child tracking device to provide safety and security for your child all the time.

Don't let it be a secret that your child is protected when you have this valuable GPS tracking and protection technology for your child. Let everyone know your child is protected with GPS tracking technology and that you know where he or she is at all times.

The Amber Alert GPS 2G is state of the art GPS tracking security for your child. I recommend this product. It will provide security and safety for your child from abduction and kidnapping. This technology can save your child's life.

Learn more about GPS tracking technology and save $100 with a special offer: or

