To control behavior in relationships, check the cables and the text of the partners or attempt to influence clothing almost anything he or she may indicate the format of the culminating in abuse and violence.
So concludes doctoral student in psychology and a team of psychologists to study at the University of Arizona
Need to control what is coercive gives rise to features abusive Anger is not without relevance to gender
And violence does not reflect the loss of control, but how to achieve control over fear
The study also found that men and women who engage in similar coercive behavior and abusive tactics
Summary of key studies is that anger management training command widely In the case of domestic violence, criminal, and sometimes in the case of restraining orders do not really address the actual issues.
Abuse as defined by the study include mental errors Sexual assault, intimidation, physical coercion illegal threats and physical violence increases aggressive.
Read more in this news article, University of Arizona: Coercive behavior Lead to intimate Partner abuse prevention