"at what age a child decide which parent living with?". It is one of the most common questions parents are involved in a situation of custody and access to children. It would seem that the answer would be a simple, but it is generally not. Preferably a child custody and visitation is generally one of many factors, the Court may consider and weigh against all other relevant factors to determine the overall interests of the child. General best interests of the child being the norm the Tribunal generally used in custody determinations and changes in police custody. It was therefore generally no magic number or specific when a minor child may decide which parent living with age. It is usually a judge or a court decision. The judge or the Court will probably use his discretion taking into account the age and maturity of the child and facts of the case. Older, more mature and more healthy reasons are preference of the child as the Court held takes the child into account and give due weight to it. In California, for example, if the child is determined by the Court of "sufficient age and ability to reason to form a smart guard, preference the Tribunal must consider and give weight due to the wishes of the child in the manufacture of the granting of the order or modification of custody" (3042 (a)) section of the California family code. "" For more information visit my full article on how old a child decide which parent to live with. To obtain legal advice, you will want to talk to a lawyer in custody of the children of your situation and that childcare in your state laws.
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