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2011年1月9日 星期日

Police: Father arrested in stabbing on child custody disputes

Shildmierr April, brodosirbostid News: 5: 27 am EST on December 27, 2010UPDATED: 12: 29 timing clock 27 December 2010 over child custody dispute between man and his estranged wife with friend stab and father took off early Tuesday morning in Aurora with a girl, police said. The child was later released unharmed and father, Cruz Antonio Guevarra. Flores, 30, was arrested around 6 a.m. on Monday after almost four hours of chasing, Aurora police spokeswoman Sgt. Cassidy Karlsson. The Flores Guevara detained in "Aurora City prison in investigating abuse and third-degree assault involving domestic violence. Officers were called at about 2: 20 am in parking of 17,300 block East Adriatic status report of internal conflict, and challenge, "said Carlson. Flores Guevara said Carlson and his estranged wife were involved in a dispute over custody of their young children. He accused Flores Guevara stabbing girlfriend m wife who tried to intervene. Not wounded men. Said Carlson Flores Guevara left square with the child. At approximately 4: 30 am in the same child dropped safe parking lot of the appeal. After an extensive search in neighborhood near "school mrachik", taken in custody in Flores Guevara region approximately 6, she said. Below are comments from users. The views expressed are created and approved by Posting a comment you agree to accept our terms of use. Comments subject community. To report a comment offensive or otherwise inappropriate, click the "flag" link that appears below the comment. Will remove comments that are marked with a specific number of users automatically.

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