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2011年1月13日 星期四

What is the family law Act?

Wikipedia defines "as an area of the law which deals with issues related to the family and national including relationships, but not limited to: the nature of marriage, civil unions and associations; family law" issues raised during the marriage, including spousal abuse, legitimacy, adoption, subrogation, child abuse and child abduction; termination of the relationship and ancillary matters including divorce, annulment, property, alimony and parental responsibility orders settlements "."

While widely family law encompasses all aspects of a family as can be seen as a unity of people living together for many reasons, there are many finer aspects relating to 'family' in many contexts, different in different parts of the world.

Family denotes a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity or co-exist.

Consanguinity - 'with' means together and "optimistic" blood; so it simply refers to persons who are descended from a common ancestor. It is an important legal aspect to determine if two people may marry or to determine who inherits the property left by a person who has not a testament.

Affinity in the sense of the family means attraction of sensitivity or kinship relation by marriage.

Terms refers to individuals or a group of people living in the same residence and realization of a family, or household responsibilities. This may include a parent and child or children and other members share blood ties or living together for other reasons.

Family law, therefore, cannot be limited social, economic and governmental standards. There are simply too many aspects and complexities of human relationships that in many countries laws have various legalities referring to intrinsic social and family guidelines of each country.

Raw and surprising contrasts ruling legislation in certain parts of the world. In some societies, patriarchal laws govern while that on some other matriarchal. In many parts of Europe before the arrival of the judiciary as we see today, the Church was seen as the executor of the law.

Family law has been historically based European feudalism. In the 1970s, family law underwent rapid changes and came to be redefined, as it had become a wider national debate party with respect to family values, gender bias, and morality. Specific areas of family law relating to divorce, custody of children, family property etc. experienced many changes. Such rapid changes allowing quick solution in marriage, divorce, alimony, custody and maintenance drew widespread criticism from many quarters that seen in the increase in cases of civil strife and the lack of harmony in the world as a dangerous trend.

Family law is an increasingly important area of legal studies with many law schools offers numerous elective courses on the subject and evidence of knowledge of this area of law review bar. In addition, family law evolves as it continues the national debate about family. A notable change is how family law has been extended to cover of couples who choose not to marry.

Family unit today has evolved over generations and can be a concise version or decline of coresidents past families. Relations have also evolved and most recent legal issues in family law are being formulated to deal with the complexities of modern life and new trends.

Seattle divorce lawyer is the best resource for the representation of the family. We work hard to make sure that you get the results you deserve. Please visit us at

